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This beginning blurb is going to be copy pasted across this trilogy, scroll down for content review. At this point I'm beyond disappointed with the QC on these modules. A weeks delay on some and you seriously couldn't get another pair of eyes to proofread? You are charging $5 a module for what is turning out to be outlines with mislabeled chapter headings, spelling errors, monsters being called different things in different text blocks, missing statblocks, refrences to monsters in the some "playing the pillars" blocks are incorrect (When they appear at all, one chapter is missing a playing the pillars block.) As well as the item card title font isn't even the same as the first set, I'm having issues with printing. No consistantcy whatsoever, No printer friendly version either? I will be willing to revisit my star rating when I see a v1.1 and a PF version uploaded.
Storywise, I belive this to be the weakest of the Trilogy, Noah G.'s review sums up my concerns quite nicely.
Combat: Most player's at my store or at event's I run at have enjoyed playing through the adventures sequentially and the jump from APL 5, to 8, to 10 is some serious whiplash in prep. The APL issue cannot be ignored in that it really takes the flavor and "teeth" out of the fights having to adjust to a weak party.
Some parties are going to be weak and struggling though a lot of the "Gotcha" traps and walking into enounters drained with enemies that can seriously lay them out, and I like a little bit of that don't get me wrong, but the combats feel a little disjointed, especially the bonus objective combats. Points for DMM tie-in monsters though.
Exploration: This is I think the strongest part of the module, jumping from locale to locale is interesting until you realize some of the rooms have nothing but unsolvable traps, Slitherswap is an interesting level and I think the author captured the mood, the Included Undermountain lore is pretty interesting.
Social: I strongly dislike some of the NPCs in this, the puzzle party I can see frustrating the players who also hated the Eladrin Tomb matching puzzle, I am also not excited to RP a party of stubborn and petty adventurers who only listen to a certain member, It is going to take some serious hinting to move this along. The big bad is at least flavorful though.
Overall it has a strong broad strokes idea for an adventure, but it suffers from the new S8 format in that it Puts too much onus on the DM to make it cohesive
Story rating: 3/5
This beginning blurb is going to be copy pasted across this trilogy, scroll down for content review.
At this point I'm beyond disappointed with the QC on these modules. A weeks delay on some and you seriously couldn't get another pair of eyes to proofread?
You are charging $5 a module for what is turning out to be outlines with mislabeled chapter headings, spelling errors, monsters being called different things in different text blocks, missing statblocks, refrences to monsters in the some "playing the pillars" blocks are incorrect (When they appear at all, one chapter is missing a playing the pillars block.) As well as the item card title font isn't even the same as the first set, I'm having issues with printning. No consistancy whatsoever, No printer friendly version either? I will be willing to revisit my star rating when I see a v1.1 and a PF version uploaded.
Storywise, I'm seeing a definite improvement from the earlier trilogies, this is a very interesting take on a classic decent into the mines adventure, with plenty of lore and interesting NPCs.
Plus I always adore story rewards.
Combat: I'm really liking the use of new monsters as well as reflavoring old monsters for a new twist, the comabt here can be deadly so keep an eye on HP, every fight in this mod has an interesting terrain element too.
Exploration: This is where I feel like the modules shines, and where the majority of it will take place, the mines have a deep history that the party can interact with.
Social: RP isn't pushed as hard as previous modules, which is nice, but taking the time to talk to NPCs can for sure make things easier for the party, and the NPCs are unique enough to encourage RP.
Story rating: 4/5
This beginning blurb is going to be copy pasted across this trilogy, scroll down for content review. At this point I'm beyond disappointed with the QC on these modules. A weeks delay on some and you seriously couldn't get another pair of eyes to proofread? You are charging $5 a module for what is turning out to be outlines with mislabeled chapter headings, spelling errors, monsters being called different things in different text blocks, missing statblocks, refrences to monsters in the some "playing the pillars" blocks are incorrect (When they appear at all, one chapter is missing a playing the pillars block.) As well as the item card title font isn't even the same as the first set, I'm having issues with printing. No consistantcy whatsoever, No printer friendly version either? I will be willing to revisit my star rating when I see a v1.1 and a PF version uploaded.
Storywise, This is a fun devle into Dwarven history, with insight into Undermountain, I like how the fate of the clan unravels as the players progress.
Combat: I'm really liking the use of new monsters as well as reflavoring old monsters for a new twist, the themed monsters are strong in this one, both in number and danger, I love trotting out descriptions of skellys or somehting benign only to have it turn out like nothing my players expect. Comabat in some instances will bleed into the Social and Exploration pillars as the party may have to choose to focus fight or problem solve/puzzle solve, which I enjoy.
Exploration: Similar to the previous mod, the Author clearly put a lot of reseach into the setting, and it shows, I'm not finding it difficult to describe rooms or scenes with the amount of details given. Puzzles within can be challenging, but I like them.
Social: Not a lot of NPC interaction, but similar to the previous mod the party can choose to interact with some monsters rather than brute forcing.
Story rating: 4/5
This module suffers from the lack of setup and answers from ddal08-04. And a lack of final answers to the inital question for the trilogy. and the Bloodhound stat block needs to be changed. there is no way that is a CR1 monster.
With clarifications and fleshing out of the content i think this could be good.
the outline is decent, and there is defiently a lot of RP potential. I just dont see non RP heavy tables getting a full experiance out of this.
The lack of content in the modules for this season is really showing, events i ran this trilogy at were able to slash through each of these in 3 hours or less. expecting DMs to vamp an entire hour out of two columns of text is just lazy and unfair.
This is the first Season 8 module I have immediatly liked on the inital read, and feel like I can run with the much smaller amount of prep time I needed in previous seasons of DDAL adventures.
Social: The characters get to interact with interesting NPCs and make some tough moral choices.
Exploration: This is really a tour of some lesser known but lore rich Waterdhavian locales, with a couple unique puzzles.
Combat: There are only a couple fights in this module depening on if you run the bonus objectives, but they are very flavorful, are tied into the module locations, and challenging.
This is my favorite Season 8 material by far.
As many have said, this has the potential to be a very good adventure, an interesting time and place with notable NPCs. However, I feel though I have purchased an an incomplete outline. This module need to be updated with a list of corrections and answers not limited to:
- As the adventure states this is a mental projection what happens if one of the adventurers die?
1.1 Why do they get sent to DR130, as this is not the time when Hillanther created the ring, he states in the adventure that this is a ring he made some time ago?
It seems to me that there is some info missing on the ring. The only info the module offers is that Hillather have made it some time ago. When did he make it, who did he make it to, is it one of the Quisarian rings or is it just a Shoon ring?
Why does the ring resonates in the weave as this wrinkle in present day Waterdeep? No where is it described how this anomaly has transferred to the ring.
As the Blackstaff states that nothing they do will change anything in the future, why would it make any sense to do bonus objective B.
Conclusion? In the start of the adventure there is a brief description of the party meeting up with Artor and Hillanther outside of town to get some more info. What is that info?
- What is it that triggers the next jump in time to the troll wars.
If these questions are adressed and the module is updated, I am more than willing to revisit this rating.
Very solid adventure outline.
The story content is very rich and hits all the pillars if you prep it right.
stars decucted for having to assemble this adventure from the scattered art heavy layout, and for being a printer melting document.
Absolutely brilliant. Suspense all the way through, with my party being blindsided with the reveal.
The citizens of the village have good connection to each other and the story, with a lot of opportunities for expanded RP.
Heading into the forest was a non-stop emotional roller coaster for the party.
Fun to prepare and fun to play.