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Weighing the Cost
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Weighing the Cost
Publisher: White Wolf
by Andrew F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/05/2020 20:45:31


I just ran Weighing the Cost for my group. I had 2 players participating remotely and 2 players and I met in person. Here I present a playtest review.

The adventure, one of the few adventures for Mage, is well-written. You know what the themes and moods are and can adapt the main antagonist's actions a little to fit the player's needs.

As other reviewers have noted, the Marauders are difficult to handle in Mage. Presented as a threat, they can inspire tactical innovation by players. Presented in this book, a Marauder can lead to a human story.

We played all the scenes except the last one. This was my group's first session other than some connected preludes and Session Zero (planning). The 4 PCs participating were an Akashic Brotherhood with a focus on Life and Mind, a Dreamspeaker with Matter and Spirit focus, and two Virtual Adepts (Correspondence and Mind focus and one who had some Forces and Time). I started everyone with Arete 3, so most characters had 3 in their main sphere. The PCs met together beforehand and then wanted to meet Adeptus McCallister so they knew the mission.

McCallister's original request for help I had funneled through the chantry the PCs were about to join, with a clear hook of 'Help Hermetic Adept and collect a boon and prove you're worthy to join.' Adeptus McCallister is given a brief writeup in the adventure, but not enough to figure out what he could offer as a boon and what he did besides being friends with Jeremy Branton. I went with the name and make McCallister a good-old boy from the Midcontinent oil region (southern Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas) and his original statement was 'Branton went off the reservation.' McCallister was an Adept of Matter in my book--a sphere that complemented those of his best friend. I also gave him a little Correspondence to be able to help scry his friend.

The group and McCallister tried scrying Branton and failed to find the Marauder. The Akashic Brotherhood PC had asked about whether the enemies of Branton could have done something and asked for a police report. I had the helpful McCallister say it was an accident and provide the government report of the incident. From there, seeing as the death happened at a lake, the group jumped to the lake.

Seeing as there was no-build up to the final scene and with the players having already considered that Branton might have been home and not scrying the kids, I had McCallister say he saw the door to the Branton home open and that it must be Jeremy or someone who looked like him. The PCs and McCallister then went to the house and played out that scene.

The Virtual Adept with Time decided to set a bomb inside the family car parked in the driveway and to watch. The rest of the group investigated the home and after a botched Mind magic roll by the Akashic to scan minds and failure by the Akashic to mind control Tricia, the wife of Jeremy Branton, the Virtual Adept without Time helped restrain her.

Jeremy left and was going out in the car with the zeitgeist that looked like his late daughter. Through his Time magic, the Virtual Adept with Time noted something was wrong. The player did an excellent job dealing with Wrinkle, once he understood in character whom Wrinkle was. He offered Wrinkle a deal--I'll help you stop the ritual for a small favor. The group was to suffer less Paradox if things went bad. . . That part was fun, as the Virtual Adept with Time has few ties to anything as befitting a corporate spy who blends in with the scenery. Now he's got Wrinkle on his radar and has made an offer to aid Wrinkle for appropriate remuneration.

The group then split up--the Virtual Adept who had bound up Tricia and McCallister went to the lake to stop the ritual and the Akashic, Dreamspeaker and Virtual Adept with Time went to her house. They were a little late, so they moved to Mark's house where the final piece was being gathered.

As the players were debating, I upped the ante by having them see lighting bolts shoot into the house and the smell of burning flesh. Although Branton was himself untrackable, the zeitgeist was trackable with Correspondence and Time conjunctional magic and the aid of Wrinkle since Jeremy Branton's effective did not extend to the zeitgeist.

Mark and Jeremy were fighting upstairs--I put Mark in a large two-story expensive house. The Akashic and Dreamspeaker went up to help. Before they could, Jeremy grabbed Mark and used Correspondence to teleport into the car outside. Unbeknownst to Jeremy, the Virtual Adept with Time had placed a brick of plastique under the seat. I had him roll randomly for the dice of the brick-he rolled a natural 20.

So, a 20-dice brick of plastique went off in the car with the zeitgeist, Mark and the Marauder inside. I had forgotten about Katherine, or something, so I just later went with Wrinkle helped her out. I'd rolled badly on a few teleport rolls so it was easy to assume Jeremy didn't bring her because his main emotion was wrath at the universe and he was mad at Mark who tried and failed to save her.

17 successes on the damage roll and 3 dice soaked by Jeremy ended the Marauder. Mark had some protection because the blast was under the seat, but everything in the car was blown up in a fiery blast. Although the car still existed after the blast, it was in many small pieces and completely unrecognizable. So were the late passengers of the car--the zeitgeist went away when Jeremy died.

Wrinkle returned to say the problem was resolved. The group decided to cover up the explosion--a false call report was made to the police on the exploding car. They then debated whether to make the cover story an exploding tank of gasoline for a long road trip. This being 2040 in my campaign, with more electric cars, they decided to go with the second explanation.

There was a family BBQ and they had just bought propane and it was another tragic accident as propane blew up the car. Well, the new car, as they took the existing one in the driveway and used Matter to change its license plate and Virtual Adept hacking and the Akashic's influence merit with the DMV to take away the remaining car. So, it was like there was a new car and it just blew up, killing everyone inside, include Jeremy Branton.

Branton, being a family friend, would plausibly be traveling in the car to set up a BBQ.

The Akashic played his demeanor well and wanted to have Tricia looked after. He learned his Mind magic, previously something he considered very powerful, had limits. There was some excellent character growth there. The bomb-happy Virtual Adept was properly played for his Nature of Vigilante and Demeanor of Hacker, but realizing the shock on the faces of the group, offered a Major Favor as recompense to the other PCs for his out-of-bounds actions.

Adeptus McCallister is not sure what to do next. He definitely believes the Virtual Adept with Time was careless with Sleepers (there was a bomb planted in the sand at the site where the ritual would take place), but understands that with Marauders, one shot is all you get sometimes. McCallister's world is shattered--his best friend is dead. He lost three friends to death (Mark and his parents) and his best friend's wife is insane.

So, the group ended up gelling over tragedy. With only 1 Paradox gained in the session and no damage taken, they got out pretty light. They are now in Portland, full members of a chantry where their interactions with others in this adventure have been added to what others know about them.

The Dreamspeaker player had to leave early due to real life, but the other players enjoyed the adventure. Whether they explore Marauders and Paradox more, I leave up to them.


Overall, this is an adventure that presents a clear problem to the PCs. They must resolve it, but how they resolve it will impact themselves and the world. As the title says, the costs and benefits of actions must be weighed, for reality will be reworked by the PCs.

I recommend this adventure, though if you have combat-focused characters with access to large quantities of explosions, adding additional protective effects would be prudent if you wish the challenge to be more difficult.

Having a Hermetic with great hubris die to a mundane bomb because he lacked the Matter sphere works for me, but your group may want the antagonist to fight longer.

Buy this book--you've got something you can run for a variety of characters and in a variety of locales.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Deeply grateful for your thoughtful and detailed review! Glad to hear your players enjoyed it!
Weighing the Cost
Publisher: White Wolf
by Charles S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/30/2019 10:09:02

A solid skeleton of a story for Mage, and based on one of the short stories (by the same author) in the Truth Beyond Paradox collection. Honestly, I'm giving it full points for just being one of the few depictions of a Marauder in all of Mage that actually takes Marauders seriously instead of making them stupid joke characters or an organized force for chaos, but actually a metaphor for mental illness that functions at all. The only serious criticism I have is that Marauders still need the spheres to do the things they do, and this one is described as doing a ritual using Life 5 while having no dots of Life. I assume this is a typo, and will be easily fixed if the author chooses to update.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Charles, Thanks so much for the lovely review. Means a lot to me! And good catch on the typo, Jeremy should DEFINITELY have Life 5. I will update the file accordingly! Thank you for pointing that out! Travis
Weighing the Cost
Publisher: White Wolf
by Sebastian F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/21/2019 21:25:37

I enjoyed reading this story, and I would definitely use this in one of my games. It is rare for me to use a prepared story as it is written, normally preferring to chop bits out or add bits in to fit "my style" of playing. This story would need no such modification.

I really appreciated the focus on normal people in normal situations. Mage can be about very magical, wondrous topics, but there really needs to be room for personal and relatable stories we can all identify with. This story provides exactly that. The characters are all believable, the situation does not break suspension of disbelief (I know...this is Mage, but some scenarios can be pretty "out there"), and it can be used to remind players about consequences of their characters' actions.

On another note, I am also creating some Community Content for Mage. I bought this to get another author's take on structuring a Mage story and its many components. I was not disappointed in this aspect, either. Surely, this will serve as a bit of inspiration. Satisfying stories do not always need complex plots, impossible mystery, and so on. This product proves a simple story with heart is still a very good story.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you so very much for this review. I truly appreciate your kind words and look forward to seeing your work on the Vault! Thanks, Travis
Weighing the Cost
Publisher: White Wolf
by DSC T. G. C. _. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2018 18:45:08

Weighing the Cost is a moving story. The depth of this short adventure is in some ways heart wenching. Unlike a lot of scenario's the antagonist of this scenario is in many ways a relatable character driven by pain and lost. Mage like most WOD games is suppose to focus on the story of people rather than just a quest for power, and this adventure captures that dynamic wonderfully.

Weighing the Cost is an amazing story to play threw, and if your Storyteller likes to run pre-planned scenarios that your group gives this adventure a try.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you SO MUCH for this touching review. I am glad to hear you've enjoyed Weighing the Cost! Travis
Weighing the Cost
Publisher: White Wolf
by Thiago F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/07/2018 08:36:27

This is a very interesting story. It focus its premise on what Mage should always be, rather than blockbuster movies wannabees: stories about people.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you so much! That's about the highest praose I can imagine receiving. Glad to hear you have enjoyed it. Travis
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