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Publisher: Chris Wolf
by Woody [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/02/2024 07:31:22

Great fun. Extremely lightweight system that's fast to get started and fast to run. Great system if you want your players to improvise and contribute heavily to what happens in the adventure. Printed book as Great quality for the price

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by charles [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/01/2023 18:58:13

I love this simple "retro 2d6 SF" rpg. This to me is a wide open sandbox rpg that can be turned into most anything. Hope to see an add on for salvagers and miners. Ty!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by charles [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/01/2023 18:58:13

I love this simple "retro 2d6 SF" rpg. This to me is a wide open sandbox rpg that can be turned into most anything. Hope to see an add on for salvagers and miners. Ty!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by charles [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/01/2023 18:58:13

I love this simple "retro 2d6 SF" rpg. This to me is a wide open sandbox rpg that can be turned into most anything. Hope to see an add on for salvagers and miners. Ty!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by charles [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/01/2023 18:58:13

I love this simple "retro 2d6 SF" rpg. This to me is a wide open sandbox rpg that can be turned into most anything. Hope to see an add on for salvagers and miners. Ty!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by AWOL T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/01/2023 23:54:10

There is a huge difference between games that are lightweight and easy to put to the table, and games that are bereft of any real substance, so as to be overly simplistic. This game is too generic, with so few options and choices as to make it bland and underwhelming. There's just nothing memorable about this game. If you know anything about the PbtA engine, you can homebrew this ruleset in one evening's time. The formatting is very, very poor and the book itself was printed far too large, with most of the art aliasing poorly in the large format. Should have been a 5x7 booklet.

Fine for beginners, but it's underwhelming at best.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by Damien L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/27/2020 06:58:03

Finally got around to playing this and the consensus (from 3 players, including my son, and 1 GM (me)) was that our first session was “great”. Given this is a free download with just over 30 pages of content, to the consumer I highly recommend you do just that, download and judge for yourself. To the author I say thankyou for putting so much content into such a tiny package. I mention in the Offworlders products “Discussions” tab that my son wanted to play a “Star Wars” RPG and Offworlders provided everything we needed. Introducing players to the rules, creating characters, and preparing a session were all so easy. The only time-consuming aspect was ensuring I had all the Star Wars lore correct (Ship types, planet names, technology etc.) as I am only a Star Wars fan but no Star Wars Nerd.

The players had had no exposure to the rules before the session and in under 15 minutes the adventure began. Does any of the following sound familiar?

The Death Star has just been destroyed.

Sometime in the past the PCs had run afoul of TEEMO THE HUTT, a crime boss who's palace was located in the tiny spaceport MOS SHUUTA on TATOOINE. Several weeks ago they made their escape from both TEEMO and MOS SHUUTA by steeling the KRAYT FANG, a YT-1300 light freighter from a Trandoshan slaver named Trex.

[All the above “borrowed” from the FFG Star Wars Edge of the Empire starter set].

Since then, finding jobs that pay enough to maintain the freighter has been hard work, to the point the PCs are wondering if it is actually all worth it. However they have recently been contacted by a group of rebels who have a job whose pay will not only cover the past, but also future costs for some time to come.

RING OF KAFRENE ✨ Mining colony and deep-space trading post in the Kafrene asteroid belt of the Thand sector. The PCs are currently located here and their freighter has been impounded until its debts have been paid.

THE WARREN (A Cantina) PCs are approached by a scruffy looking human who somehow knows they owe a lot of money. He can offer to pay for their current debts over the last few weeks as down payment for a snatch and grab job "a lowly armed transport - easy!". If they accept, a bigger payment will be paid upon delivery of a package found on the transport.

Basically steal package and deliver to rebels (Sounds all too familiar).

Did not play the above BTW, it was just for the background material – meet in a bar, etc., etc.

In a 2.5-hour session the players who had never before seen the rules:

• Rolled up PCs (1 Warrior, 1 Geek, 1 Physic)

• Created a starship

• Talked with a rebel sympathiser and accepted a mission

• Intercepted a "TRANSPORT" - Munificent-Class Star Frigate (Clone Wars era) – “lured” form hyperspace by PULSE-MASS generator mines.

• Fought a space battle with a Vulture-class droid STARFIGHTER (after a failed piloting check to approach undetected)

• Entered the transport and searched for the “special cargo”

• Set of a laser trap

• Defended against two Super Battle Droids (where the Wookie warrior self-sacrificed to defeat the last droid [he rolled so badly during the encounter])

• Acquired the cargo – Kyber Crystals and a Night Sister’s Head – still alive but no torso (undead).

• Arrived at Rebel base only to find they have all been killed (combat staged by Empire to look as if a local warlord clan was responsible)

• Met new PC, an outlaw (in shiny Heavy armour) – yep, he’s paranoid about death now.


So easy to pick up but has depth, including PCs level up, and so easy for a DM to wing it – little or as much preparation time as you feel necessary.

Being a PbtA based game the advantage of telling/improvising a story based on Full (10+), Partial (7 -9), or No Success (6 or less) as opposed to a binary (Success / Fail system).

Easy character creation (helps given PCs should be considered fragile)

This is not a full PbtA game, so players are not "limited" by set moves and there are no relationship specific rules. This is a Pro for me as I have no PbtA experience so this simplified take made me feel confortablke about running a game.


Given my group is an experienced d20 crowd (Currently playing a Starfinder campaign, and prior to that several 5e campaigns) we are PbtA amateurs. This is not really a fault of the rules but rather our experience. For example, in combat we (mostly) decided Success = PCs deal damage, Complication = PC and NPC exchange damage, and Failure = NPC deals damage, which meant after a few bad rolls the Wookie was dead. We also learned that armour plays a big part. Subtracting 2 from a d6 damage is a big factor.

So there is no real Con to the system other than to say that adding some complication examples would make this game even greater. An example (taken from a forum) is a complication may mean the PC is simply pinned down and another PC must intervene rather than straight out damage. We did use “gun over heats” and “gun jams” but a list of suggested complications for various activities in the rules would be a massive boon.

So if you like the idea of easy to grasp rules that take the backstage, quick PC generation, simple character advancement, and a system that encourages the DM to improvised based on what the PCs do, I can highly recommend giving Offworlders a try.

Next week the PCs will:

• Deal with an Empire’s spy droid currently spying on the rebel base

• Deal with a bounty hunter who has been paid to retrieve the outlaws heavy armour

• Discover the Night Sister’s head can teach the Physic some Light Sabre and Force knowledge

• Fly to the original cargo’s destination and deal with a minor undead bug investigation at the local temple if the PCs want to be rid of "The Witches Head".

All in a days (session) work.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by Steven S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/28/2019 20:57:13

Love this game. The print copy is totally worth the price, I was happy it was an 11.5x8" size. And the amount of white space gives me a lot of room to write in my own rules.

This hits the sweet spot of enough structure to give you a framework to runs games and short campaigns, but open ended enough to hack and play around with the setting and type of game. I can run anything from a bug-hunt Aliens game to Star-Wars to a High Diplpmacy Drama Space Opera.

I play it currently with my daughter, with an indandia jones xeno-archeaeologist vibe to it against the space nazi's.

Thanks for getting this made and published.

Actual play can be found on Gauntlet Forums.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by David S. J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/25/2019 18:59:27

Takes most things I love about Dungeon World, streamlines them, and frames them for cinematic sci-fi action in a way that other PBTA conversions don't seem to do for me. While it certainly captures the World of Dungeon spirit that other conversions have, it brings enough other elements in from Dungeon World (including a great GM section) to give it more depth. I'd love to see a section on NPC/Creature moves, but otherwise feels more complete than it should at just 20+ pages.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by Simon M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/13/2019 16:27:19

Only one star short of 5 stars because I've not played it. But in twenty or so pages, 20 or so minutes reading, I'm already getting inspiration for a game. One of my players has long been wanting a sci-fi game and the big one out there is very crunchy. I'm still too new to the whole rpg route to build my own game from other systems so this is almost perfect.

So simple I can't wait to give it a go.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by David D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/11/2019 11:09:43

Rrules light scifi RPG married to a narrative storytelling system. Offworlders has a good concept, and a tight focus on what it wants to accomplish but the ruleset is sadly just a bit too narrative and immersion breaking to be an effective RPG. if you like FATE and other storytelling games then it might be for you, but for those seeking immersion, and a consistent setting with versamilitude it's likely a pass.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by James S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/08/2019 07:36:36

TLDR: A free Sci-Fi rule light game! Awesome! Play it!

The game plays like a PbtA game but without all the moves defined, which is really great in play. I had some seasoned players and a relative newcomer and everyone could grasp the play style immediately even though all of us were new to this type of game.

Character generation was a snap and the players made some really interesting characters while avoiding niche overlap. Character and ship options are all interesting and meaningful. The simple inventory system with this game makes perfect sense for a rules light game.

Adventure prep was easy. I had a starting scenario, 3 events and 4 questions. The collaborative play took care of the rest. I trusted the rules as written and the game took on a life of its own immediately.

When we reached the end of the job/adventure we decided this one-shot should be a few more sessions because a) the characters and setting were so fun, and b) the game was so much fun to play.

I think one of the most memorable moments was when the player’s situation with a pirate attack frigate just kept snowballing with one failed roll and partial success over another. In the end a critical success resolved things with the player’s ship leaving nothing but wreckage behind. Fun stuff!

This game was easy to prep for, and a blast to play. I think this is my new go-to game for one-shot sci-fi games or those going for a few sessions. The players certainly want more.

And it has a fun art style that I found inspiring.

So in Offworlders RPG you get a sci-fi rules like game that checks all the main boxes of the genre. And with a price tag of free? Yeah, this gets a 5 star rating.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Publisher: Chris Wolf
by Gabby B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/06/2019 12:57:24

There was a Luxury Quarter, Drugs, and a Hugging Pox. I ran a game of this last night and it took a turn for the weird. This is a system that I was able to prepare in a day for a one shot game for my group of friends. Loved the simplicity of the game that gave the players a wide array of choices for their characters, but not too many choices to cause analysis paralysis. I'm a GM that loves when my players are having fun and not taking things too seriously. This system made it more about the story telling rather than having to crunch numbers and that's my jam. Everyone left asking when the next game is.

The only reason I gave it 4/5 stars is that I really would love more supplement to the system. Or more tables to roll from.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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