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AOE & Range Templates
Publisher: Patrick Mitchell Johnston
by Cody W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2020 17:27:30

TL;DR- This product is EXACTLY what it appears to be, but good luck with sizing the pieces and printing them.

This product is just as beautiful as it looks in the display picture, however, I could NOT make the pieces come out to scale no matter what I did. I only have a standard printer with standard paper sizes, and, therefore, I simply couldn't resize or edit the product enough to make it fit to scale on the standard 1x1 inch square D&D mat. I also want to mention that the lines and the cubes DID turn out pretty well! However, the larger (20 ft) radius was impossible to print properly without editting the PDF, and the 60 ft cone had the same issue. If the creator did a bit of adjusting, these pieces could be designed and rearranged in order to accommodate standard printers.

Perhaps this is user error, and I'm humble enough to admit that. However, my wife and I both tried to resize and edit these PDF's for about 2 hours and couldn't manage to print them to scale. I think it's important to note in the product descriptions that this product may need additional work to size properly. As they are, the descriptions point toward a functional and easy to use product, and that isn't what I purchased. The product didn't even come with instructions on how to properly size or troubleshoot sizing issues. Save your money and create your own PDF.

I do want to thank the creator for inspiring me to be more crafty and create my own pieces. Their work really helped me to create my own work, and I'm quite satisfied with what I cooked up.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
AOE & Range Templates
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Creator Reply:
I'm sorry that you had such difficulty printing these. Other people have also noted having difficulty printing these out, even though I did design them with the standard home printer in mind (I even tested it on my own printer). I am glad that you seem to have found our own solution, but I will try to find the time to create a printing setting guide that comes with the product Depending on the program you are using to print, check for any settings on sizing and margins. Margins should ALWAYS be at none (to print this and my other products, as I keep standard printer limits in mind when creating these), and sizing should ALWAYS be 100%. Sometimes sizing settings like "Actual Size" (like in Adobe PDF). It is also possible that there are proprietary settings on the printer's program changing things that you or I would be unaware of. I hope this helped.
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