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Caldor: City of Crossroads

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Caldor: City of Crossroads
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Caldor: City of Crossroads
Publisher: Alea Publishing Group
by Nathan C. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 12/18/2007 10:21:43

After reading Caldor: City of Crossroads, I was a bit upset that I did not find the kitchen sink download in my email. I mean, after all, they seemed to include everything else.

Caldor: City of Crossroads is a detailed, yet concise account of a city based in a fantasy Roman atmosphere. It is meant to be used with the feudal lords system but this city can be tweaked to fit in any setting.

The question is not what will you find in City of Crossroads but what is not there. This reviewer could not find a single thing that could not come I wished that city pdfs would come with battlemaps and low and behold there are battlemaps. I wished that city pdfs would come with some more descriptive adventures and they are included as well. Other documents include a nice sized 40pg PDF detailing every district in town and all of the customs and laws of the land. Also included in this is a map of the city that defines the districts and visiting spots. If that was not enough you also get both a DM guide filled with adventure ideas and a PC guide so that PCs do not get that familiar feeling of loss when they enter a city.

For the DM: There is a crime section in the main book that discusses the crimes that can be commited, their punishments and how the judicial system works. Also, do not skip over the section on Roman bath houses which is also nicely written.

For the Player: This type of book usually has nothing for the player, but the players guide is a nice touch on where to go from blackmarket stuff to temples.

The Iron Word: The only thing holding this product back from being perfect is that its designed for a specific setting. Otherwise they have included everything any DM would want when their PCs go to a city and you do not have one prepared. Best of all, you do not get the downtime that normally occurs as you scour through the documentation so that you are not as loss in this new town as the PCs. This is a product you can pick up and truly use at your gaming table on the fly if you use such a setting.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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