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Dark Ages Clan Novel 4: Setite
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Dark Ages Clan Novel 4: Setite
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Dark Ages Clan Novel 4: Setite
Publisher: Crossroad Press Publishing
by Lucas v. D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2018 02:33:39

Wow, what a book. In the beginning I was really wondering what direction the book would go in. My expectation was a epic manipulation scheme and dark god rituals. To my pleasing surprise it was quite a different story. Sure it did have manipulations and rituals, but it focussed more on the 'Good Guy' Setite, a family man and a good friend. It showed more of the clan that I never knew existed. The details are also a strong point: Egyptian terms in addition to the English and very vivid discriptions of the surroundings made it come to live. This was once again a very engaging novel that sucked me in deeper and deeper the further I got. The ending especially was very well in terms of climaxing the tention. I cannot say more without giving spoilers.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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