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The Endless Death, Volume One: Curses Writ in Blood $10.56
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The Endless Death, Volume One: Curses Writ in Blood
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The Endless Death, Volume One: Curses Writ in Blood
Publisher: White Wolf
by Oliver S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/28/2019 19:35:17

I honestly cannot praise this book enough. I am really pleased that I found this title and it has been beneficial to all our players as a result of this enjoyable, imaginative and profoundly interesting read. The expanded mechanics has improved my storytelling ability, it is poetically and beautifully written, with the writers obviously having a vivid background knowledge of kindred lore. I now refer back to this book often, the detailed updates to even the most obscure clans and bloodlines (often the ones we enjoy playing) has been a tremendous asset to our chronicle for all people and characters involved as we continue to explore role playing. We would wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone looking to expand on the flavor and versatility of your character in the World of Darkness setting(I'd been looking forward/hoping for any new material to emerge about the Mariners so was very exciting to see). In our opinion this is been one of the most useful books to come out for V20 in recent years so many thanks from my rpg group for this truely great addition!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thanks for the very kind words! The most encouraging thing to hear is that it's being used and enjoyed. If you appreciated the detail and attention to background there should be plenty for you in volume 2, which should be out around the end of February. - Sam
The Endless Death, Volume One: Curses Writ in Blood
Publisher: White Wolf
by DSC T. G. C. _. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2018 17:21:05

The Tabletop Gaming Club had the extreme pleasure to review this product at our last meeting. First, thing is that you actually get two books for the price of one. The first book Curse of the Clans gives details mechanics that can be used to give favor and cost to the basic clan flaws. As a kindred ages or becomes more powerful the clan flaws take on additional complications. We don't want to spoil anything, but take our word for it, that this book spices up any vampire game and belongs in every player's library.

The second book is called afflications introduces mechanics for a new attribute called abhorence which basically is how ugly a character is... or how physically monstrous. In also goes into physical marks left on a Nosferatu by the embrace, the marks left on a gangrel by frenzying and the marks left on those inferalists that sell a part of themselves to the demons. Our members found the mechanics on these "Afflications" interesting and many of them wanted to incorporate them into their games. This book is also a welcome addtion to any players library.

We recommend that players check this product out, and also check out the authors' other amazing works.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Thank you very much for the review, glad your group enjoyed it! - Sam
The Endless Death, Volume One: Curses Writ in Blood
Publisher: White Wolf
by Lucas v. D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2018 01:54:32

(1)First I want to say this belongs to the few products in the vault that truely feels like it should be incoperated into the official line.

(2)The additional flavor is outstanding! But not only that: most of the mechenics of the curses bring fair drawbacks to the clans. It's was always a problem in my chronicles that my players are smart and exploit all the tools (Disiplines) they have. With these curses I got a fair and fun way to limit their power without having to remove anything from their character they enjoy. The curses also do more with the philosophy behind the clan. It uses the flavor of the lore to add more depth to the personal struggles of each clan. The reason I play VTM has always been for the deep and engaging storylines and this really complements that!

However there are few points I wish to adress though: (3)Brujah were not a Low clan in the Dark Ages.

(4)Tremere were not a High clan in the Dark Ages. Sure they diablerised a High clan (Salubri), but untill the creation of the Camerilla they were shunned and even then noone really trusted them.

(5)The Tzimicse horror forms that also should have Abhorrence was something I felt was missing. I always was annoyed by the fact a Tzimicse cold have 6+Appearance while looking more like a freak then A Nosferaru.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
First of all, thanks for your review and very positive feedback! To respond to your points: The reclassification of the Brujah and Tremere was done partly to reflect the change in the two Clans' places over the 800 years since the Dark Ages games are set (with the Brujah now called Rabble and the Tremere no longer called Usurpers), but also to provide roughly equal chapters which felt consistent. We simply felt that in the modern setting, the Tremere fit better as a High Clan, and the Brujah as a Low one. We have certainly considered Abhorrence and Vicissitude, but since this is to do with a Discipline rather than a weakness/curse, it'll be covered in our fourth volume, though since that's some while off we haven't turned our attention there yet. - Sam
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