Wonderfully built module, especially for AL.
Good: The enemies were extremely tasteful and had plenty of abilities that threw off my table of experienced players and Ex-DMs. Kept them on their toes and proved to be a wonderful challenge.
Bad: The encounters took much longer than expected, especially will all the enemies for me to take care of. Especially with the setting of the war, it's challenging for my players to not come in with a social encounter mindset unless I really set it up this way. So it ran a lot longer than I thought it would've
Better: The cancerous magic and necrotic kiss was beyond amazing for the players to have to walk around. I was little worried at first, but it turned out to be extremely comedic and wonderfully random for players so used to using their magic. Definitely want to re-run this module just for that effect.
Worse: I found the elemental rift scenario VERY difficult for my players, although experienced. Many of them were on their last legs trying to complete the tasks on hand whilst trying to not die from it. I feel that it was something that could be either toned down into an encounter or a separate encounter/skill challenge.
Overall: This is a PERFECT combat-heavy AL module for many of the players I DM for. Amazing use of enemies. Loved the openness of Mulmaster city scapes for shaping the battlefield to my liking. Loved the simplicity of the module and is a perfect runner up after the Epic. Well done