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CCC-OCC-01 Red War: Housekeeping $4.99
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CCC-OCC-01 Red War: Housekeeping
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CCC-OCC-01 Red War: Housekeeping
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mallaz N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/31/2019 22:27:24

Wonderfully built module, especially for AL.

Good: The enemies were extremely tasteful and had plenty of abilities that threw off my table of experienced players and Ex-DMs. Kept them on their toes and proved to be a wonderful challenge.

Bad: The encounters took much longer than expected, especially will all the enemies for me to take care of. Especially with the setting of the war, it's challenging for my players to not come in with a social encounter mindset unless I really set it up this way. So it ran a lot longer than I thought it would've

Better: The cancerous magic and necrotic kiss was beyond amazing for the players to have to walk around. I was little worried at first, but it turned out to be extremely comedic and wonderfully random for players so used to using their magic. Definitely want to re-run this module just for that effect.

Worse: I found the elemental rift scenario VERY difficult for my players, although experienced. Many of them were on their last legs trying to complete the tasks on hand whilst trying to not die from it. I feel that it was something that could be either toned down into an encounter or a separate encounter/skill challenge.

Overall: This is a PERFECT combat-heavy AL module for many of the players I DM for. Amazing use of enemies. Loved the openness of Mulmaster city scapes for shaping the battlefield to my liking. Loved the simplicity of the module and is a perfect runner up after the Epic. Well done

[4 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-OCC-01 Red War: Housekeeping
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Allen S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2019 14:04:02

This module packs a punch with some original and entertaining enounters. Written in the season 8 format, Red War: Housekeeping is BY FAR the best use of Pillars of Play that I've seen in a module. My strong table of tier 3 players were challenged and often looked at scenarios from multiple persepctives.

Let me start by saying this module doesn't really have its own story, it happens parallel to the Red War epic so if you haven't played that or know why the Red War happened, you won't really understand the meaning behind many of these encounters (I had 2 players ask "What is the Red War?") This wasn't the fault of the author as the Red War came from the admin and community. Even without a solid knowledge of the story, players enjoyed the challenging encounters and strong opportunities at roleplaying. This module has a little somethning for almost everyone if you look for it. With an option of being run at DEADLY, combat focused parties will be challenged and with an over the top insane complex trap in one encounter, the skil driven character will be in heaven.

The one part I didn't care for also wasn't the fault of the author. This module takes place in Mulmaster during the Red War so it uses the same restrictions and special rules as the epic had. I'm sorry but rolling on wild magic for every single spell just slows the game down and adds little I used it like every 5 spells and the characters got it. The stading 5 ft away from people and getting exhaustion thing is too restrictive for players to have fun.

That said, this module can be what you make of it. Encounters can be done in any number of orders as you describe where the Red War is happening in the town. My table got through all of the encounters except one but I heard a couple other tables say they missed 2 or 3 due to roleplaying. This means the module has replayability which is ALWAYS a good thing. While this isn't my favorite module from the author (check out Birds of a Feather and the Nightmare series), it is a refreshing look at the new format and players who love Mulmaster and what has been happening there will find the story quite meaningful.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-OCC-01 Red War: Housekeeping
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Noah C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2018 10:55:02

Interesting module with good encounter design. However, the Curse that's applied to the players removes a lot of fun from the game, as can the Wild Magic Surges, and the final encounter is effectively impossible without the right skills. Also, it relies upon external materials for descriptions of the city, and I'm not sure such things should be necessary or even recommended for an AL module. Good, but not fantastic. 4/5

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hey Noah, Thank you for the review! I understand that the curses involved can cause headaches for everyone at the table, but as this product was written to take place during the events of the Red War those effects had to be front and center for the entirety of the adventure as they were for the epic in question. I also could not directly add the city map and information from the "City Guide: Mulmaster" product, hence the link to it. While I had a few restrictions and necessary parts that had to be added, it sounds like you still had some fun with the adventure and that's good to hear. If you have any more questions, let me know!
CCC-OCC-01 Red War: Housekeeping
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by David H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/12/2018 09:59:32

Garrett Colón is a gifted writer and designer. Red War: Housekeeping really showcases his talents. In this module, he presents a unique adventure, which DMs will find easy to understand, prepare, and run (always important) and adventurers will find to be thoroughly engaging. I especially love some of these monsters, which I haven't normally encountered in an AL adventure. One of my favorite parts was the bonus objective, The Quiet Thayan, and the roleplaying potential there. Housekeeping fits perfectly in the Red War AL storyline, and gives a good prelude for the madness to follow. I highly recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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