This adventure doesn't fit the new AL format very well. Prior adventures treat the bonus objectives as optional, additional scenes to extend the running time, but in this adventure they can't really be separated from the main plot. I don't know how you would run this in a 2-hour block.
The party is asked to acquire the chief artificer's ID and papers in the intro handout, but doing so is considered a bonus objective. (Why do they have to kill him? Incapacitating him isn't an option?) The second bonus objective is simply "infiltrate the facility and escape without the alarm being raised", but Episode Three seems to take for granted that reinforcements are called, meaning that they fail to get the second bonus? If the chief artificer isn't alerted or is taken out so he can't sound the alarm, what is there to do in Episode Three?
It's disappointing that the main path through the adventure works best if your party doesn't have any of the races that are unique to Eberron. A changeling can pass, of course, but there aren't even any options suggested for warforged characters.
If the characters are more than a level or two apart, some of the encounters can be really hard to scale. The hobgoblin devastator can take a low-APL group apart all by herself, as can the medusa, and both of them have reinforcements. I don't know how an APL 1 party would survive this adventure as written if their cover gets blown.
I did like the setup for the adventure, and the twist that results from it.