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Half page - Campfire - RPG Stock Art $9.00
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Half page - Campfire - RPG Stock Art
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Half page - Campfire - RPG Stock Art
Publisher: Dean Spencer Art
by Christian C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/13/2019 17:39:35

The suspense that is set up in this piece is what really sells it and makes it versatile. Who is the camping adventurer? Who are the people behind them, and what do they want? You get a feeling of "here we go again / I'm too old for this shit", but whether this is an impatient companion waiting for his party to return, an outlander expecting a call from the crown, a fugitive who has finally been caught, or something else entirely is all about the context that you use it in. Great lighting effects as well, and very evocative use of contrast between warm and cold colors.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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