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Characters Stock Art
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Adam H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/27/2020 15:46:36

Sooo much quality character art for such a low price! I'm a little shocked, frankly.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Characters Stock Art
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Go for the Eyes!
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Adam H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/14/2019 10:39:49

Have your players ever wanted to call their shots? "It's running away. Hit 'em in the leg!" or "That dragon is ready to getting ready to breathe fire. Aim for its neck!" Well, now they can.

What Is This? Go For the Eyes is a rules supplement that presents over 60 high-CR monsters hand-picked from three different D&D hardcovers, now with options to disable or destroy specific body parts. There are also all-new creature traits that are usually activated once a monster takes a certain amount or a certain kind of damage.

Is It Any Good? Yes! We give it 4.5 out of 5 stars for its clean layout, sound mechanics, huge assortment of monsters, and new creature traits. You wouldn’t know it beforehand, but traits are a big reason why you should buy this supplement. What’re traits? Think of them as dormant monster features that roar to life under the right conditions. For example, when a behir takes a certain amount of lightning or thunder damage, it can redirect that energy as a reaction to shock the unfortunate character in its clutches or belly. That’s a cool mechanic that can shift combat dynamics mid-battle.

Any Drawbacks? This isn't for low-level campaigns, since all the monsters presented here are too tough for level 1-10 heroes. There's also no Table of Contents for easier navigation. Also, don't think this will make fighting monsters any easier. The way it works, if you disable or destroy a monster's body part, that awakens a rage or new ability in them that makes them just as tough as before. That being said, it's easy to ignore the monster’s retributive ability if your players don't find called shots to be very rewarding.

We are giving Go For the Eyes a rating of 4.5 stars. Its flaws are simply overwhelmed by all the battle-ready awesomeness found in its pages. If you DMs are looking for something to surprise veteran players or to amp up the fun of combat for everyone, this supplement certainly fits the bill. For the full review, please visit

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Go for the Eyes!
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The Heist at Nimressa
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Adam H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/28/2019 10:41:26

Bottom line. Heist at Nimressa was an absolute blast to run for my players. I would recommend it to anyone looking for a real heist.

If you were disappointed that Waterdeep: Dragon Heist was not a real heist in the vein of The Italian Job or Ocean's 11, this adventure is for you. This adventure promises a great score at the end, including a new magic item. Here are some highlights:

  • There's a rich adventure background that inspired me as a DM wonderfully well as soon as the characters went off the beaten path. The Barony of Nimressa (the setting that can be dropped into just about any campaign) is well thought out and has tons of subplots and corners to explore.
  • There are memorable NPCs, including two PC allies that were fun to play. I won't spoil anything, but Dirinor and Fennic are amazing and they come with backgrounds and personality quirks that are nicely fleshed out. They get a page all their own.
  • There's a great mechanic that's elegantly simple for persuading an NPC to change their motivation or change their tactic. I'm going to be using this one in future adventures. It's very much in the spirit of 5th edition.
  • There's a DM-facing map that works well, but the real star is the gorgeous player-facing map that looks like a hastily drawn charcoal sketch. My players were very impressed.

In short, grab this adventure. We played it in about 8 two-hour sessions and agreed it was our favorite campaign arc we've ever played.

Full Disclosure: I did not know the author when I bought and started running this adventure, but have since met and interviewed him for the Skill Checks podcast.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Heist at Nimressa
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50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Adam H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/07/2018 09:21:09

I love side quests and this is a gold mine of them. Twenty-seven pages (subtracting the cover and credits pages) and 50 quests!

And all of it so nicely illustrated that I could see myself printing the notice boards in full cover to simply distribute to my players on game night. I especially like the pictures on the notices. (My favorite is the notice from the illiterate berserker.) The PDF is divided into nine notice boards, each one with the illustration of the board itself and then a plain-print version with description.

To be honest, if you run a deadly serious game you may not get much use from this. A lot of these vary between whimsical and tongue-in-cheek.

But if you run a flavorful town where the locals are eccentric or oddball and there is adventure and secrets around every corner, this is a good supplement.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
50 Quest Seeds for Towns and Cities | Notice Board Quests
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