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Against the Barrow King
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Against the Barrow King
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Against the Barrow King
Publisher: World's Largest RPGs
by Michael c. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/24/2021 21:34:39

The file was blank except for the front and back covers. What a jip.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Against the Barrow King
Publisher: World's Largest RPGs
by Megan R. [Featured Reviewer]
Date Added: 04/10/2017 07:14:05

This neat adventure is just the sort of thing for a party of low-level adventurers to enjoy as they build their reputations as people to turn to in times of trouble. The people of a remote settlement called Glenn Hollow fear they have upset the 'Barrow King', a supernatural being they believe lives in ancient burial mounds not too far from the settlement - and they hail a bunch of adventurers as a welcome source of aid.

The work opens with a DM Background which lays out what is actually going on and a brief Adventure Summary which boils down to 'Go and fix the problem'. Notes for finding a suitable location for Glenn Hollow in your own campaign world are provided, and then it's on with the adventure itself.

It's assumed that the party is on the road one autumnal evening when they arrive at Glenn Hollow. Just why they are in that area is left to you to determine. The village elder lays out the problem and asks for help, and it's off to find the burial mounds next morning. There's very little description of Glenn Hollow, so if the party wants to hang around and talk to folk you will need to invent something. The area of the burial mounds isn't mapped either, although there is a good map of the Barrow King's tomb and what lies beyond... the associated descriptions are clear, and brief details of the denizens and how they'll fight are provided. Everyone that the party encounters wants to fight to the death, there is no scope for any kind of interactive save a dialogue of steel and spell.

There is a new creature, a construct called a chirurgeon, and a new magic item - a greataxe called Fiend infused with chaos - introduced here, and there's a little bit of mundane treasure to be found if the party has time to go rummaging, but the real reward is the virtuous glow of having got rid of something quite evil, and of having rescued some villagers too. A few notes are provided on directions further adventures might take.

Overall this is a simple but neat 'delve' adventure which shouldn't take more than a single session, best used as a sidetrek in your campaign or a standalone adventure when the group is in the mood for some hack and slay adventuring.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Against the Barrow King
Publisher: World's Largest RPGs
by Jonathan E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2007 03:00:59

A good little adventure that can be adapted easily to almost any setting and dropped into an existing campaign or used as a sidequest - I was able to drop it into a Forgotten Realms campaign after about 15 minutes work. A few minor problems with incomplete stat blocks and the odd spelling error, but nothing that can't be tweaked easily.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Against the Barrow King
Publisher: World's Largest RPGs
by Kelley M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/09/2007 00:00:00

It is small but definitely worth while. Need a quick story and map? This is it. You can run this on the fly with only a few minutes prep. Of course how long it takes to go through with the players is always a question of how extreme they are - so the potential for a couple hours of play is here. I have several of these they have all been the same quality and presentation. It is more likely to be used as a quick random adventure encounter (especially since that appears to be what it is for).<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Everything<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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