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Mekton Zeta Plus
Publisher: R. Talsorian Games Inc.
by Tom B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/12/2013 11:53:11

An excellent companion to the Mekton Zeta core rules. This book lets you take your Mekton game to the next level with more construction options and other game rules.

Something I appreciate about these rules is that they're not hard to gradually move into your game play as you get more comfortable with the system. I recommend starting with just the Zeta rules first, then add in parts from Zeta Plus.

Best of all, the scan is beautiful. This is a high quality pdf.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mekton Zeta Plus
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Science Fiction Stock Art: Mecha and Giant Robots
Publisher: JEN Games
by Tom B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/08/2013 21:56:27

The reason I rate this product so low is not the artwork. The artist shows promise and most of the (considerable number) of mecha are well executed.

The problem is the production values. These are pencil sketches on paper that have been scanned in. You can see the grain of the paper, folds in the paper, occasional pencil smudges, and in one case an uneven top of the page. This makes them poor options for using as clip art.

I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more of the artist's work, but only after he gets a drawing tablet or better scanning solution. Inking of the images would be good too, making them easier to clean up if you did want to use them for clip art.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Science Fiction Stock Art: Mecha and Giant Robots
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Mekton Zeta
Publisher: R. Talsorian Games Inc.
by Tom B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/08/2013 09:35:36

This is a fantastic game system that can handle just about any type of mecha game you want to run. From giant lumbering Battletech-style mecha, to nimble transforming Robotech, to beam saber wielding Gundam, and so much more. It can be a crunchy system, but it's not hard to tailor it to your tastes. Take out or add to get as fiddly as you want to be. Hands down, my favorite mecha system.

The only reason I don't give this product five stars is that the scan for the .pdf is okay. The cover is beautiful, but the interiors are a little fuzzy and there are some lines from the scanner, and in some places shadows from the printing on the next page. There is nothing terrible about it, but I've come to have higher expectations for the quality of the images. Plus the artwork is beautiful and the scan quality takes away from that.

This is especially surprising because the companion book, Mekton Zeta+, is a beautiful file! Sharp, clear, and just what you want in a .pdf product.

But, if mecha games are your thing, this is the product for you.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Mekton Zeta
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