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Trailer Park Shark Attack! $9.95
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Trailer Park Shark Attack!
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Trailer Park Shark Attack!
Publisher: Dog House Rules
by James [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/24/2025 15:22:02

Excellent. Does what it says it will, and does it SO good.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Trailer Park Shark Attack!
Publisher: Dog House Rules
by Nils K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2020 05:23:14

This may just be the ultimate trash adventure there is. The pure number of different sharks and shark-adjacent mosnters is awesome. Make sure you have people that don't mind losing an arm, a leg or a character, as half the fun is munching up the different parkers and then just choosing the next crazy over the top stereotype. They Kung Fu Fighting Elvis Impersonator is one of my favourites, closely followed by Trailer Park Santa. The only thing I wish for would be a tailor made set of figure flats for the parkers, as they are all so wonderfully individual it may be hard to find nice miniatures that fit the style.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Trailer Park Shark Attack!
Publisher: Dog House Rules
by Amy H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/10/2019 17:33:20

Things I loved: The characters are varied and offer tons of roleplay options, from the Trailer Park Santa to the Bubble Boy/Girl to the Gator Rassler. I loved the included flats and tiles. I ran this on a virtual table top and importing images was fairly straight forward. I loved the different scene options available without being told which ones to use.

Things I wished for: Jpeg or png of the tiles without the backgrounds to they could plug more easily into the VTT. I wished for an optional outline of scenes for each of the scenarios to see how others had woven the various scenes together. It bordered on being too open.

My players and I never stopped laughing as we played this game. We literally laughed until our sides hurt. Even as they were getting gobbled up and choosing a new Trailer Parker, they were laughing and saying it (whatever crazy, hairbrained, redneck action had gotten them killed) was totally worth it!

Can’t wait to see more hilariously savage stories from you!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Trailer Park Shark Attack!
Publisher: Dog House Rules
by Jeff B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/12/2019 17:35:52

I ran Trailer Park Shark Attack! for my group last night. We all had a blast! Four players had never played Savage Worlds before and the other two had played with me a few times. Lots of laughs, shouts of surprise (the first mutant shark man? wow!), a really good time.

Great props and minis included. Recommended!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Trailer Park Shark Attack!
Publisher: Dog House Rules
by David B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/13/2018 23:03:11

I got this on a dare. No, seriously, a buddy of mine told me to drop everything, as Trailer Park Shark Attack! (TPSA!) was on the Deal of the Day.

I was surprised to find a well-polished homage to B-movie shark films, from Jaws to Sharknado to The Meg. Not only does the author present multiple main plotlines as to just why sharks of every variety are attacking this flooded trailer park, but they also include multiple side plots you can churn the waters with. And they provide extensive map tiles and paper miniatures for the sharks.

My only complaint - if you can call it a complaint - is while they provided minis for the sharks, the trailer park residents didn't get paper minis. Where am I to find two dozen paper minis of various rednecks? I'll figure it out, I'll probably just use stills from Ozark and/or The Trailer Park Boys. But still...

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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