This is a well-designed adventure that stands on the Social and Exploration pillars of D&D. As others have noted, the Combat pillar is light or non-existent here, and you may need to invent something to keep your "tanks" occupied. It's also heavily weighted towards your sneaky characters - your party will be tempted to split up so that the rogues can explore while the rest of them mingle. More could have been done to provide clues and secrets for the others who wished to interact with the guests.
But, overall, the group had fun and the adventure itself is tightly constructed - and it's OK to have a session where the fighters aren't pivotal. The "macguffin" isn't so easily found, and there aren't obvious shortcuts to obtaining it that the adventure-as-written doesn't account for. Balance it out with one of the items from "Encounters In Sharn" (there is an obvious follow-up, a fight-heavy one involving a House Sivis break-in and the lightning rail station), and everyone will be happy.