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Whispering Darkness - A 5th Edition Adventure for Levels 4-6 Pay What You Want
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Whispering Darkness - A 5th Edition Adventure for Levels 4-6
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Whispering Darkness - A 5th Edition Adventure for Levels 4-6
Publisher: Loot The Room
by Cody F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/04/2018 17:24:17

This is a perfect example of why Loot the Room content is so good and quite noteworthy. I needed an adventure for my group of 4th level PCs and this adventure popped up just in time. The monsters are innovative and creative, the adventure hooks are fun, and the whole thing is a blast to read through. As always, the production values are top notch, and the fact it's intended for Shadepoint but can be used on its own is a huge bonus. A+ work!

I have worked with Loot the Room before on other projects, and products like this are exactly why that's whom I choose to work with. Disclosure: I did not contribute to this product and this review is entirely genuine and unsolicited.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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