I hesitated before buying this PDF, in fact, I discovered it by pure chance. I read yesterday the angryGM blog, it was an article about "How to XP Good" and I liked it. The writer convinced me it was a good thing to give XP to players, but I was troubled by his antagonism towards Mike Mearl and Mike Shea from another blog I read once in while too (Sky Flourish, the author of the PDF I am reviewing), then the same day, I read the announcement of the availability of "Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master" and I was interested.
In fact, I never read the 1st Lazy Dungeon Master, I am french and PDF buying are relatively new in my GM's life, well I buy more PDF since 2017 than I did before. So I cannot compare.
But, what I read from Mike Shea's Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master have very pleased me :). I begun the book yesterday night and I finished it a few minutes ago. There is plenty of good ideas for GM like me who are not lazy at first but who have not much time to prepare game (but who loves GMing anyway ;) ). I am running Tomb of Annihilation at this time and in october, I will run session 8, so I am eager to test all the book's advice soon :).
I still like AngryGM but I am not convinced that lazy GM are bad GM, not with this book anyway :).