So the adventure looks good and I am running it tonight. My 3 is because of the stat block for the Gargantuan Preying Mantis. It's on page 10. It looks like the spacing is off on the PDF upload, so you instead see the name and monster type, and the rest of the block is cut off. I have been unable to locate that state block anywhere, which is a bummer as, while I hope my players DON'T attract it... you know how players can be.
Creator Reply: |
Apologies, we'll get that stat block fixed in the next update.
Here's a link to a screenshot of the mantis stats https://imgur.com/a/wmro6rN |
So my players had some fun with this and I added some aspects to it that I felt add to the tension that the players really enjoyed.
The party decided to stealth into the area where they needed the charges. You had stated that the charges had a 3 minute delay... so without them knowing the strength of the charges, once the first one was hidden and pressed, I started initiative. Every minute mattered and the charges were going down as they headed down to fight the final boss.
It made them handle the encounter more tactically and I think they got more into it. Overall... my players had a great time and for me, that is considered a win.
If was fun. My players had a lot of fun with it and while not all the combats were challenging... they had a nice balance that the players seemed to enjoy.
The encounters were not tier appropriate. Every time I have been part of this... either DMing or a player... it has taken less than 2 hours for the entire module with bonus objectives just because the fights were underwhelming. I feel like there was a fear... and sure you could have swarms... but with Tier 3... swarms of lower CR monsters [CR 5s] just isn't that terrifying.
Following the theme... I might have utilizing more Vampires over Vampire spawn... maybe keep the spawn but add in a 1 or 2 Vampires / Vampire Spellcasters...
There was just no sense of urgency.
So with tier 4 content, I typically tend to be excited to DM it as players also tend to be excited to play in it as there are still so few Tier 4 adventures. So I went into this adventure with an open mind.
All it was was combat. It was something that just felt like "Fight after Fight"... and that was really it. Beyond that though.. most of the encounters were not with terrifyingly power monsters... but typically felt more like monsters with high hit points.
I enjoyed the chase sequence.. it did give a change of pace and the Cadaver Collector fight was cool [I liked the monster], but the rest wasn't really memorable, including the finale.
Combat is great... but this module seemed to feel like it was attempting to make things more difficult through a battle of attrition and that not merely bogs down the players, but the DM as well.
I'm hoping the next two modules will be better.
I loved this adventure. Of the three, I feel like it did give a bit more roleplaying and it also just had a finale that felt... well... it felt good. It was challenging and my players seemed to have fun despite being beaten badly at times, and in the end, that is all I can hope for.
I was quite satisfied with how this module, and the trilogy as a whole, played out.
Every once in awhile I appreciate a dungeon crawl and thats what this was. It was the first one of the season and it was something that I still found as enjoyable. The bonus objectives were nice and one specifically was one that I feel every group I've DMed for (And played in) developed some degree of emotional attachment. Overall, well done.
So overall I did enjoy this module. The one things about the module I appreciated is the fact that the puzzle CAN be solved with only the first two clues, but then the third clue exists in case players are not as skilled with puzzles. It allows people to not feel like they have hit a wall and going for each clue gives extra rewards like [JK No Spoilers]. Overall, I was quite satisfied with this.
So I've run this a few times now and as an introduction module for the season, I feel like it is completely amazing. I like the idea of giving players the opprotunity to craft how their adventure is going to be and moreso, I love the replayability of this module. I ran this for a few of the same players twice and they seemed to have a lot of fun as the experience was different each time.
I hope to see more modules with this approach in the future.
Ran this for a group and I played as well. It was a great experience, challenging and brutal, and really forced you to approach the module in a different approach that "Might Makes Right". I would recommend this to everyone to play atleast once.
I've enjoyed running it. I think one of the hardest parts for the groups was making them think outside of the box on how to actually figure out where to go. People were making checks to learn about the Cauldron and had fun with that. I had a player that has high checks in things like history and seemed to shine with being able to explore that aspect. They did take the social side to things and the had a lot of fun. When they finally realized what the Cauldron was... they were pretty blown away. It was a pleasure to run.
So I have ran this twice so far. The first time it was a bit bumpy but the group succeeded. The second time, the group got to the end... and steamrolled the final fight with the power of brute strength. In the end though, they seemed to enjoy it and that was what was important. There was one part in the maze specifically... a baaaaad roll that the party absolutely loved. Well done.
Overall, it is been convenient to have. It was a good purchase made for a product that will allow combat (Which is already a long process) to flow quicker.
Honestly, my group had fun. We only had three people and maybe because of this, we were able to finish this significantly than the previous module. It was a lot of fun and it was fun retaliating against a [Insert the Boss Monsters here as I will not use spoilers].
I did enjoy the module overall. Personally I felt it was brutal, but I needed to run this with only 2 other people, so we were a bit weaker than expected. The module took us closer to 7 hours and we we completely drained of resources. It was exhausting, but I enjoyed the reward at the end.