In general this was just not a good module. The plot was all over and in places contradictory. The main plot of the story had nothing to do with the lead up
standard 5 modules 1 each for each faction. Really only the second one has direct ties with the other season 2 modules and care needs to be taken when portraying the beliefs of Hillsfar and not letting it become a real life issue. In fact a seperate document was relased that covers this.
One of the main points to this module is the players are under a time constraint. GMs need to keep the players on thier toes. Good RP situations. Good final battle.
This module has some great RP situations along with some good combats including the final battle. Several different ways for the players to approach this so the GM needs to be ready.
Didn't particularly like how the end section of the module is writtenand considering how many times i have played it those GMs agreed with me and changed certain aspects of it as well.
Other than that a great dungeon crawl with some good RP opportunities .
Good dungeon crawl with some fights that could be deadly depending on how the GM runs it and party composition.
I know several people that this is their favorite module. It has some great replayability as there are many different ways the players and GM can have it play out. Some great combats but let me warn you there are alot of peices to keep track of.
This module has a little of everything but none of it stands out. It is the first of 2 crime modules if you do season one in order and so maybe putting something else between this and ddex1-6 might be a good idea.
Great classic dungeon crawl with some chances for RPing along the way. First time meeting a recuring NPC.
This module has my all time favorite NPC who will show up again and again. I have played this and ran it numorous times and it never seems to be quite the same each time. Excellant RPing chances that will lead to interesting party dicussions and choices.
This module seems to have it all. Good RPing situations. Good investigation . Good combat
Cool module. Really introduces lizard folk that because they are now a player race opens up whole avenues for the players that were not there before.
Lots of chances for RPing. Also has a couple good combats.
Not much chance for RPing in this one. What combats are dependent of whether you have 1 or 2 of the factions for the secret missions. Combats are straight foward with final combat having the chance to be deadly.
Pretty standard ddexX-1 module. It introduces the characters to the seasons story line. this is the first storyline so also introduces characters to the various factions. As usal each one takes an hour to an hour and a half to complete with only the highlighted faction getting reknown.
Modules assume that characters took a job without giving them a chance to decide for themselves but then again players characters need to take every job or there would be no modules.
Interesting first fight that is unwinnable for the players. Followed by a chase with fairly good chase rules. Final fight is very interesting considering the 3D nature of the fight and the varied number of opponants to keep track of.