This is one of those modules that is referenced a lot in newer mdoluees especialy some of the CCC based in Mulmaster for this reason it is a good foundation molue
This module is 8 hours long. there is a lot of content thiere is a good mix of social exploration and combat
One of my favorite modules not just of season 2 but all seasons Season 2 module. fairly good module. i wish the older season would get played more than they are. it would be interesting to see previous season played with the new season 9 rules
Season 2 module. fairly good module. i wish the older season would get played more than they are. it would be interesting to see previous season played with the new season 9 rules
Very good info about mulmaster. Since there are several CCC set in Mulmaster might still be a good resource. Would be interesting to see an updated version for after Red War
Season 2 module. m8 hour long fairly good module. i wish the older season would get played more than they are. it would be interesting to see previous season played with the new season 9 rules
Season 2 module. fairly good module. i wish the older season would get played more than they are. it would be interesting to see previous season played with the new season 9 rules
Season 2 module. fairly good module. i wish the older season would get played more than they are. it would be interesting to see previous season played with the new season 9 rules
Season 2 module. fairly good module. i wish the older season would get played more than they are. it would be interesting to see previous season played with the new season 9 rules
A good straightforward adventure, with includes social encounters, role playin and a dungeon crawl.
standard 4 intro modules for the season. each is 60 minutes so you can can 1 or 2 at a time and not worry about not finishing
really good info about running this seasons modules. very helpfull in understanding what is going on
I concur with most of the other reviews. season 3 tenth module
standard intro module fair . 4 different modules to give flavor. 1 big difference is these have suggesed run times of 90 minutes each instead fop the usual 60 minutes
Of the 3 DRW this was the best. The plot wasn't that bad. The first bonus mission really is just a coninuation of the main plot and the second bonus mission seemed like it was just added in and didn't add much to the main story