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CCC-MIND01-02 Mind Trip
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/22/2018 22:55:20

This module is intersting, with a nice twist to it. The combats make sense and push the party pretty hard. I thought the writing was good and easy to follow. Quite a well paced Tier 3 adventure. The maps really are excelent as well. The series goes from no maps in the first module to two very nice ones in this adventure. I liked it so much that I converted the Fantasy Grounds and ran it for my two personal campaigns (not-AL). Both groups had a lot of fun with these.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-MIND01-02 Mind Trip
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To Wake The Leviathan
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/21/2018 14:01:59

When this came out, I was looking for tier 3 adventures for the 2 different campaigns I am running (not adventurers league). The description looked good, so I bought it. I liked it so much that I did the Fantasy Grounds conversion now available (I was not paid for it, I offered it to Rich so others could run it without the extra prep of the conversion).

It is a well put together quest into the Infernal planes. The different factions of the Blood Wars are well represented and it holds together quite well. The fights can be quite tough, which is hard to pull off once characters start hitting higher levels, but not so tough that the players cannot win. The new monsters from Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes fit in well and don't appear "forced". The maps are nice and worked well for online play.

It took 2-3 sessions of 3 hours each to complete this, but that is in a home campaign with lots of role playing and side quests going on.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
To Wake The Leviathan
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Waterdeep: City Encounters
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/17/2018 21:47:19

I liked it so much I spent the time to convert over to Fantasy Grounds to use in my personal campaign.

A nice mix of random and location based encounters. Adds flair and variety to moving around Waterdeep and most encounters have more than one variation to keep the players guessing.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Waterdeep: City Encounters
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CCC-MIND01-01 Lost in Thought
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2018 13:37:45

I was looking for a level 13/14 module to run for my home campaign and this one caught my eye. I ran it twice for the two groups I DM for regularly. It was a hit for both groups. I think that Jay did an excellent job with the plot and the NPC descriptions. There are enough starter ideas for each that dialogue (there will be lots in this module as it is more role playing heavy) was easy to run.

The fights at the end were appropriately tough and pushed both parties hard.

The master villains are iconic, but they are not in your face and obvious to start, both my groups had to work hard to unravel the mystery.

There are no maps included, but none are really needed. I used some generic maps for the combats (I played via Fantasy Grounds so it was easier than pure theatre of the mind), but that will vary by play group.

Highly recommended and I hope that you enjoy my Fantasy Grounds conversion. I was not paid to do the conversion, I originally did it just to run the module and provided the file so that others could more easily run the module as well.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
CCC-MIND01-01 Lost in Thought
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DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double Cross
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/07/2018 08:27:54

I have been DMing for a long time, and the starting trilogy for this season has been a disorganized mess. To be honest, all three of them read like the writers barely added some meat to the story guidance they were given and mailed them in. No text boxes. No printer friendly versions. Story is jumbled and confusing and it took a lot of DM nudging to get players to even notice side quests. When players are actively saying that their characters would not follow along but they want to play so they do it anyways, the story telling part of the game is seriously breaking down.

These modules are not written properly to be run in a store and take too much DM prep.

This is the best done of the three modules and still is only average.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-03 Dock Ward Double Cross
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DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/07/2018 08:26:26

I have been DMing for a long time, and the starting trilogy for this season has been a disorganized mess. To be honest, all three of them read like the writers barely added some meat to the story guidance they were given and mailed them in. No text boxes. No printer friendly versions. Story is jumbled and confusing and it took a lot of DM nudging to get players to even notice side quests. When players are actively saying that their characters would not follow along but they want to play so they do it anyways, the story telling part of the game is seriously breaking down.

These modules are not written properly to be run in a store and take too much DM prep. The middle one (this review) is the worst of the three.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
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DDAL08-01 The Map with No Names
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Michael P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/07/2018 08:15:56

I have been DMing for a long time, and the starting trilogy for this season has been a disorganized mess. To be honest, all three of them read like the writers barely added some meat to the story guidance they were given and mailed them in. No text boxes. No printer friendly versions. Story is jumbled and confusing and it took a lot of DM nudging to get players to even notice side quests. When players are actively saying that their characters would not follow along but they want to play so they do it anyways, the story telling part of the game is seriously breaking down.

These modules are not written properly to be run in a store and take too much DM prep.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-01 The Map with No Names
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