Very enjoyable adventure, definitely can run a bit short given the lack of combats but it's a nice adventure for times when you want that.
TLDR: Very good adventure, perfectly fills a 4 hour timeslot, probably the best laid out heist AL adventure I've run.
Spoilers for the adventure await below:
Call to Action: The whole introduction is very good. I loved Skid and Gene and the way they finish each other's sentences. The Raft is a cool ship and quite memorable.
Breaking into the vault: This part isn't too complicated, the cloaks of the bat do make it very easy to stealth past the vampirates but that seems to be the point. My only note is to maybe have slightly more dynamic vampirates, in addition to the 2 patrolling, maybe have a couple in more of the rooms that are moving about.
The Traps: This is my favourite part of the adventure, both the laser hallway and boiling trap are very good traps. The laser hallway is a lot of fun and hurts a lot for the players, no comments there. With the boiling trap my players ended up going straight for the door, which I gave a lot of hit points and immunity to fire damage, but they definitely would have been better off solving the puzzle. I did have a single player realize they could duck underwater to avoid the steam and gain fire resistance towards the end of the encounter.
The Vault: Great way to introduce Lunar Dragons. No particular notes, a good dragon fight always makes me happy :)
The Chase: Unfortunately I had to run the adventure on a 3.5 hour timeslot so I had to compress the chase into 2-3 rounds and make the ships much closer, which robbed this of much of its tension, but even still it was very good. The complications provided are very thematic.
Overall an easy 10/10 for this adventure and I would recommend. Looking forward to the next adventure in the series! -Fynn
Creator Reply: |
Thanks so much for your feedback Flynn, really glad you enjoyed it!
If you run it again and have some time to spare in the time slot I'd definitely play with making the vampirates more in the way but I was wary of the time blowing out in the standard run of the adventure so I made them avoidable. Some feedback I got from the play testing led me to place the sleeping one and the bathing one so they were a more present threat to get past, did your party interact with them at all? Overall I'm more than happy for people to place the vampirates wherever they like for what their party will enjoy :)
Really interesting to hear how the traps played for your party, everyone I've heard from so far has approached them differently.
I'm working on the next adventure in the series right now, hope you'll enjoy it too :) |
Oh nooo, I hit enter just as I realised I mispelled your name Fynn, I'm so sorry XD |
This adventure was pretty good (I'd rate it second out of this trilogy). The whole vampire thing seems like it should have been the main objective, and the end battle against the cultists felt more like a sidequest than a boss battle, especially right after defeating the minions of the vampire. I'd still recommend this, as it's a nice enough finish to a OK trilogy.
I really like this supplement, the ability to upgrade certain parts of the tavern is excellent and the events bring the life and times of waterdeep to life!
I am confused on the specifics of running this in AL, could there be an update explaining how to use this with AL?
This is the best supplement for Waterdeep I've seen, I would recomend this to literally everyone running Dragon Heist. It pads out the chapters that are low on content (2 & 3) while also bringing the whole city to life.
Great adventure, much better than the last one. Still a little confused on whether or not the players are actually going back in time, but it didn't matter so much for this one. The part with the nuns and the infirmary is just unfair on the players, especially since they don't know that they only need 3 out of the 5 wards. Overall I would recommend this adventure.
As it is, I wouldn't recommend this adventure. The editing isn't correct (things are mentioned that are important to the plot but ignored after that), and the conclusion is completely missing. It's not clear on whether or not the players are time travelling or just visiting a memory, and there's no motivation for any of it.
This is one of my absolute favourite season 8 adventures (and in my top 3 favourites).
The traps are excellent, lots of small things to get hit by. I like that there's a lot of common items to unlock instead of one uncommon (although there's 2 table B items also), so the players didn't feel as cheated by S8 rules as normal.
Overall this adventure was excellent, you should definitely try it!
A nice little treasure hunt, although it's not so good that the players don't get to go to the final location of the "treasure", as it's in the next adventure in the series.
Possibly a little low on combat, and I was able to run both bonus objectives in just over 2 hours, but more RP-heavy groups could take longer.
This adventure was a lot of fun. A good deal of fighting (out of this trilogy this is where your players are most likely to die). If I could change one thing, I'd introduce a time limit somehow, as there's nothing to stop players from leaving the tomb after every combat to get a long rest.
Overall, I recommend this adventure.
This adventure was sort of enjoyable. It's not a 4 hour adventure, it's definitely more like 2 hours, even with running all the content. The rules for the game of cards are not fully there, but it might be assuming knowledge of poker and such. My table ended up playing blackjack instead. Also, a lot of sidequests.
Definitely recommended! Make sure to use bonus objective A, so that you can have a gunfight at the end. My players enjoyed that a lot!
Quite fun, would recommend.
The boss fight at the end is a little underwhelming, so maybe increasing the difficulty is called for. The traps throughout the temple are enjoyable.
This adventure was a fun jungle trek. Lots of different encounters so it can be different every time!
One note is that 12 hours is pretty easily enough to travel the distance to the goal, so it's unlikely to get dark, even without a Ranger or anything else to speed you up.
I'd recommend, although perhaps give the players less time to get to the destination.
P.S. Bumped this back to 5 after remembering the dragon the players can fight! That's loads of fun, and it's well balanced as well, as it's a very young weak dragon, but still challenging!
This adventure was great, and not stuffed with combat, which is nice occasionally. The players have to convince nobles to part with their gold for charity. The way it's done is quite clever, finding out how to approach then attempting to convince them. Large sections of the adventure are detailing all about the nobles, with 17 in total! The players also get a cut of the donations, so pre-season 8 this was a good way to get some cash!
After that the party is interrupted by monsters. The thing is, these monsters can be a bit difficult to face, so they may have to be toned down a bit.
The fight at the end is also good, although I can see it getting difficult, as with the previous one.
Overall, I'd definitely recommend this adventure!