First, I don't understand that how the demilich can be here.
he's phylactery could have been destroyed at the end of 08-16. so how?
Second, why is Berlain in here. she is in DMM lv.22 so if the players killed her here. do I remove her from DMM lv.22? or what if someone already killed her?
The whole "far realm" thing was good. to finally end with things with mr.M was.... not so well fitting.
I would give this a 4 star if only the module has a map.
It needed some pref first but everything else was okay.
to finally see The guy at the end was some good too.
I don't know. it was... okay?
I think the DM needs to pref a lot. there are many holes in the module and the DM needs to fill it when running.
As long as you pref enough, it is a runnable story.
The whole season 8 DDAL's problem is, player just want to kill mr.M at this point.
For an individual module, it was okay but in a 4 part series, it looks more like a clean-up mission.
I ran this module with a fixed group, and for real it wasn't that series-ish for all of us.
Aside from that, it was a good crawler, social, and battle module. maybe good for more then 4h.
It was a good module, I think I can say that in confidence. but there was some problems here and there. my table's players were trying to get the better ship then the one they can. and it last 90 min.
Trying to find the missing captain for 30 min.
ofcourse the season 8 thing can make some skips with the faction thing, but some things are a bit hard to make the character move for me.
But the battle was great and overall the game was fun enough to recommand!
This was the one of the most memorable I ran.
especially when you have many low Intelligent characters on the table. XD
I loved the RPs and Loved the battles.
One nitpick is that the series should have been end here in my opinion
I had some hard time understanding the 3.5 monster this is using.
it would have been might better if they had somekind of illustration of the monster
I didn't had a time limit when I ran it, and I gone like 5h I think, but the players enjoyed it, and overall it was fun.
but, on the all 4 part thing, I think it's better to run only the first 2. the later doesn't seem like it is a series
I needed to rent the sound proof(~ish) room for this in my local shop, but it was worth it!
I would say this was a strange but fun adventure.
Maybe some parts are odd.
But most of the adventure is Light hearted and enjoyable.
needs to prepare for players using "Divine sense" on someone that is an undead.
My table just didn't do any investigation and finished the adventure.
Great module if the players likes to do something new
maybe some players would dislike it but if the party is okay with some shenanigans do it!
Surprisingly fun module.
Makes players think and action at the same time.
but I think it's best not to do this stand alone and don't do this with a low level party.
After DMing this the third time, I think this one is the best of the trilogy.
the whole trilogy should have give the DM more lores.
I don't know. it was like meh...
I don't really understand this trilogy
Maybe I'm dumb....
Was a great module!
Not only it's good to introduce the atmosphere for Season 8,
It can even make a good introduction for WDH.