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DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Brandon J G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2018 18:19:34

...So after finishing DDAL 08-01 I wanted to run this adventure with the same group. As I can imagine other DMs are experiencing that it is difficult to run this if members drop out. Instead of a full review I intend to outline how I overcame some of the difficulties in the transition from DDAL 08-01 to DDAL 08-02:

I was lucky enough to have one player from DDAL 08-01 and a few regulars from my DDHC-WDH adventure (these players were starting chapter 4 and I inserted this adventure during their downtime as they were researching marketing strategies for running an inn, hence their arrival at Green's Inn). The player with DDAL 08-01 experience asked for help finding the Dragon's Hoard with the map she found, of course the DDHC players were immediately interested, hence easy step-off point. side quest were easily inserted and boons for/against DDHC players, I intend to incorperate into the DDHC story. They even came across some random NPC they previously encountered.

The DDAL 08-01 was a great RP player and helped to facilitate the narrative while the other players prpelled the action. the completed the quest and, although at first round, second round and even third round, they tried to fight the vampire, reluctantly they agreed to work for him and move onto DDAL 08-03 (not played yet). All in all, the adventure is great, creatures that are easy enough to defeat while using a monster tha tis so far above hte PCs ability to fight you can help junior players try to solve problems in DDALs without violence. Map needs labeling and I lost were the goggles of noght were during runnng the game and made up a location as the party did all the side quests. Still, I really like the feel and fluid structure of this season. P.S. Stats for the Vampire, the players are almost assured to try to fight him.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-02 Beneath the City of the Dead
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DDAL08-01 The Map with No Names
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Brandon J G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2018 17:57:08

BACKGROUND: New to DMing D&Ds, previous experience with CoC and Pathfinder homebrew. Only been playing Adveturer's League for 1.2 years

While running this adventure I found that the over arching direction of the adventure was vague enough to allow a remarkable amount of role playing. My group enjoyed this. Although, as a DM I found it difficult to propel the story forward when the party was unable to achieve critical information gathering roles on checks. I implemented a stronger use of the characters backgrounds to remove the use of dice roles, or, reduce the difficulty of a skill check (hopefully this is in keeping with the theme of DDAL). So far the players have been extremely responsive to this increase in RPing, though our ability to stay on timelines can be hindered. I am absolutely thrilled with the narritive element of this opening modual, and how its episodic feel encourages players to return for another DDAL event at our local game store (Unsolicited plug: Citadel Game Cellar, 565 Long Hill Road, Groton CT 06340; Thursday 5pm, Saturday all day and some Sundays AL games). Continued onto DDAL 08-02 and I'll continue my review there...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
DDAL08-01 The Map with No Names
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