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Adventurers Backpacks Equipment Cards $14.99 $13.49
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Adventurers Backpacks Equipment Cards
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Adventurers Backpacks Equipment Cards
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by Jareth J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/04/2022 21:31:25

These are cards are amazing. thirty some odd unique backpacks that are great for players to use as a gear refference, or for a Dungeon/Game Master to use as loot off a corpse they hadn't planned on dying (Murder Hobos, am-i-right?).

I don't even know where to begin with everything good and great about these cards, so lets start with the foreknowledge that these aren't meant for any specific game mechanism so if your playing Pathfinder or D&D, you will have to houserule how some of these work, but thankfully its all pretty self explanitory.

Each bag has this quick release mechanism. so each of these bags have a Quick release clasp on them that lets you drop the bag over the course of 1 second on a Dexterity check of DC10, otherwise it takes three seconds. to me this means if you make the check its a free action, otherwise it's your character's interaction. and i find that mechanic to be something people don't really think about, cause normally, in reality that is, you'd have to stow your pack somewhere and reclaim it later otherwise the weight and bulk would throw off your fighting giving your enemy an advantage. its not something everyone would even use but its nice to see it thought about in this.

On that note, i like that each bag has a listed weight and cost. I play with encumbrance and its always good to see someone putting thought into the weight, capacity, and cost of things like bags and kits.

A lot of these have tons of small items that are great for their situations, as you'd expect, things like files and strings for mending, or oil and lanterns for exploration. you can use alot of these items in interesting way, bringing a lot of small mechanisms and fuel for ideas.

Each of these cards are also assosiated with a standard deck of cards' suit and rank in case all your players cancel and you need to play some solitare, or ya know, any kind of system that might require drawing a standard card.

All in all i really like these and hope they do a sequel, maybe like various tool kits; thieves' tools, cartography packs, brewer's kits, tanner's gear, and the like.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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