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City of Illanter: Kellerin's Rumble
Publisher: The Merciless Merchants
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/28/2019 16:26:04

An excellent three part adventure.

I'm dropping this into my established Vornheim campaign and using the parts independently. The warehouse will provide exploration of the newly acquired property, conversion of it into a group stronghold, and claiming the surrounding area as their turf. The sewers are handy and fun, plenty of adventuring opportunites there building off campaign seeds I've already planted. And finally the mansion Rumble provides an opportunity to nudge elbows with big wigs and wager large (or not) - with several hooks offered.

The writing is evocative and clean, with only a couple typos noted. The entry layout is easy to use at the table. The random charts are thoughtful and fun. The art is good and adds to the atmosphere - certainly above what I could sketch out myself.

Definitely worth $5 for strictly what is provided but there is so much more a thoughtful GM could spin off or involve in it.

Downsides: the only thing that comes to mind is the final Rumble game is Shut the Box - which is a game where EACH player rolls dice. As there is only one box provided (which cannot be "reset") and eight final players, Shut the Box cannot be the actual game played. However, it should not be difficult to come up with some other game or approach.

All told, I heartily recommend this adventure!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
City of Illanter: Kellerin's Rumble
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Kidnap the Archpriest
Publisher: Skerples
by Wayne G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/06/2018 13:44:47

Excellent old-style adventure. Flavorful and to the point. Enough NPCs with just enough detail to be useful at the table. A quick read by me the night before allowed us to play throughout the next day (6-8 hours). Only about 30% of the module ended up being used but that's the point - I was armed with ideas whichever way the PCs went in accomplishing their goal. I was able to add rooftop chases, catacomb skulking with attacking skeletons, and triple crosses on the fly with the briefest consultation. SPOILER Both my PCs were doing the job unwillingly - they backed the archpriest's views. As the ending, I had the archpriest actually wanting to be kidnapped to make the church look truly bad AND accomplish his escape to his stronghold; when the PCs got him to the Angel Wings he calmly said "take us home" and the captain replied "yes, your excellency". My PCs were stunned and happy.

"We'll make all sorts of plans - but eventually it ALWAYS becomes an Italian Job!"

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Kidnap the Archpriest
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