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The Last Waffle Shop in Barovia
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/22/2024 20:02:21

Saw this product and thought it looked fun. Very glad I got it. Will definately plug it into my next Ravenloft campaign.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Last Waffle Shop in Barovia
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Creator Reply:
Thank you very much for the kind words. I hope this module serves you well in your Ravenloft campaign.
Origins of Eberron Copper Edition
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/24/2022 14:08:03

There are a few small errors and some balance questions, which I posted about in the discussion area, but the overall quality is still great. I'll be using this going forward in place of backgrounds. Great work.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Origins of Eberron Copper Edition
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She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/25/2021 11:02:44

My players had already started in Barovia and had heard some about Strahd, but hadn't met them yet. I was able to work in a story to retcon some things and impliment changes from this but not all of the changes, just because some of it was too fixed already for the players. My players told me after the "retcon session" that they appreciate this take on Strahd and like having a villain who is a little more complex and has motivations and a story they aren't quite as familiar with (some have played CoS before and some are just familiar from memes/stories).

[5 of 5 Stars!]
She is the Ancient: A Genderbent Curse of Strahd
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The Korranberg Chronicle: Nightmare on the Mournland Express
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/25/2019 18:36:04

It took me a long time to actually run this adventure after purchasing. I have to say, I'm glad I kept it in mind.

My players and I enjoyed the adventure. It was a fun session, with both roleplay and combat. Additionally, there was a lot of material that didn't get used, as it the set up includes infomration on a number of passengers on the train and instructions on how to run a heist as well. My players were very well behaved. This gives me a future second possible adventure from the materials purchased for just one.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Korranberg Chronicle: Nightmare on the Mournland Express
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Fallen Angel (5e Conversion)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/15/2018 12:39:33

I had been wanting to run Fallen Angel in 5th edition and I was aware that Laura had been working on a conversion of the module so I reached out for help. As luck happened, my group hit the correct level right as her conversion was ready to be tested.

My group enjoyed the story and Laura's conversion allowed for some interesting roleplay opportunities not found in the original. My group tends to avoid fights when they can, but the combats they engaged in felt balanced, with the party coming through but certainly feeling a challenge at times.

I want to call out that Laura doesn't just do a straight conversion. She actually addds a lot of flavor and possible plot hooks that help a DM flesh out the encounter or things of ways to take the story next, as well as mentioning other DMs Guild modules that could be used to help keep the PCs linked to the NPCs in the party.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Fallen Angel (5e Conversion)
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Sharn II, Council of Roaches
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2018 10:42:01

Quick Review: This adventure has good design based in existing Eberron lore. Again the author provides detailed maps, fleshed out NPCs, and a mixture of roleplay and combat. The primary villians are a carry over from an older edition of DnD that I haven't seen used a lot, but make for a creepy and memorable experience. Additionally, he provides a guide in each combat for how to scale the combat based on the level of the party. In some ways, it's a pretty straight forward adventure. There are different routes the PCs could take, and some of them are included, but the author doesn't account for all options. I'm alright with this, as I think the most likely options are presented. Over all, this product is well worth the purchase price.

Extra Thoughts: Without too many spoilers, I do want to note that this adventure uses a large number of Sharn NPCs, some of which are found in other adventures or encounters (such as Encounters in Sharn, also on DMs Guild). However, for the most part it would be very easy to adapt if these NPCs have already been used in your own story. I like that these are the sort of consequences that allow a DM to then have a lot of other fun with Sharn after the adventure is over and leave the party with a sense that something major in the world has changed. It's the sort of thing that lets a DM create more adventures.

I felt that the attention to detail and lore of the Eberron setting was amazing. As a hardcore Eberron fan, I am really impressed by the amount of work that went into making sure information from previous source books was incorporated into this adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sharn II, Council of Roaches
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Sharn I, The Missing Schema
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/02/2018 13:43:30

A lot of time and work seems to have gone into this adventure. It gives more of the pulp side of Eberron, with awesome sky chases and big adventure, but there's also chances for grittiness and noir, and a sense of the wide magic setting that is Eberron. I would consider this a strong condenter for an introductary adventure to groups that have not played in Eberron before.

Other notes: Well developed characters. Not only the main antagonist, but some of the side characters get a bit more of their backstory than would be expected in most adventures. Lots of sidebars and notes about what may happen if the group fails or if the group choses certain options, however not to the extreme. There's a chance for the grouup to go evil and author at that point leaves it up to the DM, which I think is fitting. It gives enough guidance, but doesn't force the DM into anything. If you have a group that has played the 3.5 Eberron adventure the Forgotten Forge, the first part of the adventure feels similar. At the same time, this can also be an asset to a DM looking for a nice way to update Forgotten Forge, or to create some further adventure that spins off of it. I don't know if the author intended this, but Parts 3 and 4 of this adventure could potentially be adapted and put between the 3.5 story lines of The Forgotten Forge and Shadows of the Last War and give a nice bridge for the characters.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sharn I, The Missing Schema
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Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron (5e)
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
by Mark N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/02/2018 18:27:55

Overall, I'm very glad I bought this. I think it's a great update and very useful, both for myself as a DM and as a resource I can use for my players. I've been trying to run Eberron in 5e for about two years now, using a mixture of my own homebrew and things I found across the web. I found the mechanical options in here to be better (both in function and simplicity) compared to a number of the homebrew elsewhere.

Here are some thoughts on a few sections. Races: I felt these did a great job at getting the races into the 5e system. Overall, I was very impressed with these. Dragonmarks: I like that the bulk of these are now an option at first level. I think subraces was a very good idea for how to do the dragonmarks, and it really works to amplify that these are an inborn ability, which may steer you towards a certain skill or class, but does not define you in the same way that your later actions might. The other oddity is that Mark of Finding half-orcs get goblin instead of Orcish. This makes sense with the optional language rule, but doesn't if a DM doesn't adopt that rule. Aberrant Marks: I like the flavor of this feat much better than just using magic initiate. I wish there was a way for Aberrant Marks to likewise be an option at first level, but I'm not sure how to make this work.

Other thoughts: I liked seeing examples of both common magic items as well as some eldritch machines and dragonmarked items. I am guilty of having first skipped just to the mechanical sections, but I'm really glad I went back and re-read the rest of the text. It was worth I liked a lot of the various roleplay options presented and the ways to think about actually being in the world. The chapter on Sharn was very useful for thinking about ways to set different adventures in different parts of the city.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron (5e)
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Physician Class (5e)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/12/2016 21:11:22

It may still need some tweaking but this is a great looking class. It certainly seems inspired by other classes but I think it's different enough from wizard or life domain cleric to stand on it's own. The class makes me think of a useful version of the 3.5 Healer class. It's not a class for everyone, but for those of us who are interested in playing support characters, I highly recommend it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Physician Class (5e)
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