Quick Review: This adventure has good design based in existing Eberron lore. Again the author provides detailed maps, fleshed out NPCs, and a mixture of roleplay and combat. The primary villians are a carry over from an older edition of DnD that I haven't seen used a lot, but make for a creepy and memorable experience. Additionally, he provides a guide in each combat for how to scale the combat based on the level of the party. In some ways, it's a pretty straight forward adventure. There are different routes the PCs could take, and some of them are included, but the author doesn't account for all options. I'm alright with this, as I think the most likely options are presented. Over all, this product is well worth the purchase price.
Extra Thoughts:
Without too many spoilers, I do want to note that this adventure uses a large number of Sharn NPCs, some of which are found in other adventures or encounters (such as Encounters in Sharn, also on DMs Guild). However, for the most part it would be very easy to adapt if these NPCs have already been used in your own story. I like that these are the sort of consequences that allow a DM to then have a lot of other fun with Sharn after the adventure is over and leave the party with a sense that something major in the world has changed. It's the sort of thing that lets a DM create more adventures.
I felt that the attention to detail and lore of the Eberron setting was amazing. As a hardcore Eberron fan, I am really impressed by the amount of work that went into making sure information from previous source books was incorporated into this adventure.