I love the plot of this adventure, but like other reviewers, I have to say that the combat encounters are massively unbalanced. Giving everything multi-attack at Tier 1 is crazy! Maybe a boss might have it, but I had to pull my punches to not TPK my party of level twos. Also, I skipped nearly all of the box text at the beginning and paraphrased the bits and pieces I found useful, but it's mostly fluff about what the characters are looking at. It's fine to have a small paragraph or two to set the scene, but this goes on for pages...
I'm still able to run it, just having to do a bit of extra work to rebalance the encounters and paraphrase the vibe of the box texts without being so long winded.
But again, I like the spirit of the adventure and myself and my players find the plot very interesting. But more playtesting and fine tuning is definitely needed.