Overall, this adventure is a solid, well-plotted introduction to Eberron as a whole and Sharn in particular. The maps were lovely, and I really liked how the differences between Eberron & mainstream D&D settings were core to the story.
I do have one major issue with the adventure: the read-aloud text was far too long. Because I've never DM'd in Sharn before, and my players had never played there, I read the first several blocks as-written, wanting to get them all the information about the setting that their players would have. It was obviously very quickly, however, that I was boring both them and myself. I ended up paraphrasing what seemed like the most important parts, which improved play immensly. I believe condensing the read-alouds and adding the additional information afterward, for the DM to dole out at their discretion, would make for a better game.
My other issue is minor and may be a "me thing:" the italicisation of "they" for the Warforged was unncessary and distracting. It is absolutley the correct pronoun to use for inherently genderless characters, and I liked the little explanation at the beginning, which was both informative and sensitive. However, each time I ran across "they" in the text, my brain got hung up trying to emphasize the word, which pulled me out of the story I was trying to tell. As far as I know, no style-book or writing standards demand this formatting, and it definitely detracted from my enjoyment of this adventure.
As I said up top, this is a good adventure. I will definitely be following Elven Tower's work, and when my group heads back to Sharn, I have every intention of picking up Council of Roaches to guide us.