Sharn I, The Missing Schema |
$4.95 |
Average Rating:4.4 / 5 |
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Bought this soley for the high quality maps and they have not dissapointed me
This was a fun introduction to the city of Sharn and the world of Eberron for my players and gives the characters some potential long-term patrons for future adventure hooks. Some of the encounters are pretty tough for a group of first level adventurers though.
I thought this adventure module was really outstanding. It is an excellent entryway in to Sharn and Eberron as a whole. you really explore Sharn from top to bottom. It has a really good balance between exploration, combat and roleplaying. The art is really well done. One suggestion I do have is to include ideas for what Syrinscape sounds might be good to include in certain locations. Thanks and I look forward to running part 2 The Council of Roaches.
I've run this adventure about 3 times now. Two times were play-by-post, and the last time was just last week. This adventure is an excellent introduction for any one wanting to dive into Eberron but also have no frame of reference on where to begin. Eberron is such a lore heavy setting, but I think this intro is great for DMs and players alike! The last time I ran this adventure I re-skinned it to fit my own setting, and it worked perfectly! There is enough content here to run two sessions, especially if your players enjoy world building.
Highly recommend this adventure + subbing to the author on Patreon!
Overall, this adventure is a solid, well-plotted introduction to Eberron as a whole and Sharn in particular. The maps were lovely, and I really liked how the differences between Eberron & mainstream D&D settings were core to the story.
I do have one major issue with the adventure: the read-aloud text was far too long. Because I've never DM'd in Sharn before, and my players had never played there, I read the first several blocks as-written, wanting to get them all the information about the setting that their players would have. It was obviously very quickly, however, that I was boring both them and myself. I ended up paraphrasing what seemed like the most important parts, which improved play immensly. I believe condensing the read-alouds and adding the additional information afterward, for the DM to dole out at their discretion, would make for a better game.
My other issue is minor and may be a "me thing:" the italicisation of "they" for the Warforged was unncessary and distracting. It is absolutley the correct pronoun to use for inherently genderless characters, and I liked the little explanation at the beginning, which was both informative and sensitive. However, each time I ran across "they" in the text, my brain got hung up trying to emphasize the word, which pulled me out of the story I was trying to tell. As far as I know, no style-book or writing standards demand this formatting, and it definitely detracted from my enjoyment of this adventure.
As I said up top, this is a good adventure. I will definitely be following Elven Tower's work, and when my group heads back to Sharn, I have every intention of picking up Council of Roaches to guide us.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your solid review of this title. I appreciate the feedback.
Know that your comment about the lengthy read-aloud boxes was taken into consideration in the writing of the sequel adventures. |
I've enjoyed this product, but my favorite part is your detailed maps. A well made map makes everything so much easier for me as I find that part of the prep the hardest. I can tell a lot of hard dedicated work goes in to your products.
A lot of time and work seems to have gone into this adventure. It gives more of the pulp side of Eberron, with awesome sky chases and big adventure, but there's also chances for grittiness and noir, and a sense of the wide magic setting that is Eberron. I would consider this a strong condenter for an introductary adventure to groups that have not played in Eberron before.
Other notes:
Well developed characters. Not only the main antagonist, but some of the side characters get a bit more of their backstory than would be expected in most adventures.
Lots of sidebars and notes about what may happen if the group fails or if the group choses certain options, however not to the extreme. There's a chance for the grouup to go evil and author at that point leaves it up to the DM, which I think is fitting. It gives enough guidance, but doesn't force the DM into anything.
If you have a group that has played the 3.5 Eberron adventure the Forgotten Forge, the first part of the adventure feels similar. At the same time, this can also be an asset to a DM looking for a nice way to update Forgotten Forge, or to create some further adventure that spins off of it. I don't know if the author intended this, but Parts 3 and 4 of this adventure could potentially be adapted and put between the 3.5 story lines of The Forgotten Forge and Shadows of the Last War and give a nice bridge for the characters.
- Excellent background information and lore on the city of Sharn.
- Variable informational rewards based on different DC skill checks.
- Excellent formatting and use of art, maps, handouts, and flavor text.
- Adjustable encounters for level 1-5.
- Vehicle chase in the sky!
- Joining the villain at the end is a neat option but it results in no final boss fight, and an aftermath that isn’t covered in the scope of this adventure.
- Part 3 (Flying Chase) could use a bit more clarity and structure in its design.
Full Review: https://roguewatson.com/2018/09/30/dms-guild-review-sharn-the-missing-schema/
Video Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTflrcq_2TA
This a very nice and simple adventure. I will not complain for the encounters for each party is unique and depending on their character design, teamwork and luck even the toughests encounters can turn easy ones.
Read my full review here.
I love the plot of this adventure, but like other reviewers, I have to say that the combat encounters are massively unbalanced. Giving everything multi-attack at Tier 1 is crazy! Maybe a boss might have it, but I had to pull my punches to not TPK my party of level twos. Also, I skipped nearly all of the box text at the beginning and paraphrased the bits and pieces I found useful, but it's mostly fluff about what the characters are looking at. It's fine to have a small paragraph or two to set the scene, but this goes on for pages...
I'm still able to run it, just having to do a bit of extra work to rebalance the encounters and paraphrase the vibe of the box texts without being so long winded.
But again, I like the spirit of the adventure and myself and my players find the plot very interesting. But more playtesting and fine tuning is definitely needed.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for your critical review Kristene. I appreciate your honesty in pointing out what you found to be the weaknesses of the module. Following your opinion and the ones of other reviewers I will release another version soon with rebalanced encounters.
We will also take into consideration your other points when writing the sequel and other products. Thank you. |
This adventure could have used a few more rounds of editing and play testing. I ran it with a party of four first level characters and the first encounter ended in a TPK. We decided to say the encounter never happened and keep going, but the forth encounter also ended in TPK. It is passable that the encounters assumed a party of seven, but even so the first encounter will most likely involve a player death or two. The other problem my players had with the adventure was the box text. There is a lot at the start of the adventure, a good portion of which doesn’t really relate to the anything that happens in the module. I think this might have been to help establish the setting, but it would have been nice to see the setting worked into the action rather than two pages of read aloud text at the beginning. Before the adventure had even properly started my players were asking me to skip paragraphs and get things moving. If you are really chomping at the bit to play in Eberron you might give this a try, but I would recommend looking elsewhere.
Creator Reply: |
Hello, Ryan. Thank you for your honest review and fair criticism. I will take your comments into consideration when I revise the adventure. |
As a player/playtester I enjoyed the adventure very much. The combination between the city’s atmosphere and the NPCs soon immersed me in a quasi-cyberpunk styled adventure. I felt ever more anxious to know the conclusion of the adventure; always entertained by the adventure’s encounters.
I believe it meets and exceeds Dungeons and Dragons’ goal: Have fun with your friends. Now seeing the final PDF it looks so complete, ideal for beginning DMs while very interesting for more experienced players. I hope I can continua playing material of this scope.
For many years I did not play an interesting story.
It is easy to take a bunch of characters and make them converge in a story, but making an intelligent construction of characters is not easy.
This story has intrigue, courage and struggle, I hope to continue reading authors who have this kind of creativity, because thanks to writers like Elven Tower, I can continue refreshing my games and my players are happy, because it is good to improvise, but for someone so busy and demanding like me, I appreciate that there are stories that fill my expectations and those of my players.