This product is very much in the style of the original Traveller "Little Black Books". It presents the classic workhorse of small spacecraft - the 20 Ton Launch - giving more detail and some background flavor over the basic rule book descriptions. But aside from adding flavor to the standard launch, this book also details 8 other variants, including Lifeboat, Liason, Survey, Search&Rescue, Hunting, Retail (think travelling salesmen's wagons from the "Old West"), Estate (A travelling office for officials) and Gig (the "gunboat" version).
Keyed and legended floor plans in the classic style are given for each ship, as well as a few paragraphs of description. Stats for Classic Traveller, MegaTraveller and GURPS Traveller are given for each variant.
All in all, this is an excellent resource concerning the ubiquitous launch and some of its many variants, and the production, while spartan, is clear and easy to read. (Again, much like other Classic "Little Black Books".)
The only reason I didn't give it top marks is that it lacks any exterior illustrations of a Launch and does not have stats for Mongoose Traveller (which may not have been available at the time of printing?). If neither of those two factors are important to you, then this booklet should get 5 stars.