Disposable Heroes: Cyberpunk ? Set 2 (Gritty 203X) by Politically Incorrect Games is a in unique product/service combination for your paper miniature needs. Upon purchasing any Disposable Heroes product you will need to set up an account at www.pigames.net to access your minis and disposable heroes service. As ?Disposable Heroes? is both a service with certain features and a product line of paper miniatures I thought I would detail exactly what each aspect provides.
The ?Disposable Heroes? set allows me to customize a number of things in the way that my miniatures are presented. If I am in a rush and want to use the product quickly I can download a colour or black and white version of the miniature set. The miniatures are triangular with a flat base and two open sides when printed and assembled. This quick download approach provides you with a sheet of instructions, a list of included miniatures and one copy of each miniature with a shaded/black back (for facing purposes). This feature is extremely easy to use and serves as a default setting. Secondly, you could opt to click the preview customize option that allows for significant customization including:
- Selecting specific counters to be included
- Selecting colour or black and white
- Selecting the figure to have a mirrored back (there are black arrows on the front side.)
- Flat square counters or Standee miniatures.
- Selecting a single or multiple miniatures at a time (Armies)
- Print a full sheet of a single type or multiple types (Armies)
- Provide labels for a download set such as an army of 3 different types labelled ?militia?
The customization is even greater if you have multiple sets of ?Disposable Heroes? because the service allows another feature called ?Mix and Match? customize that allows you can select up to 30 paper miniatures or 70 counters to print at one time. This includes printing armies. All miniatures are organized on this page by identifier code (which is stamped on all miniatures), name and set they come in. So using my list I could print up a sheet of Transporters (from this set), Goats and Duck, and a Squidman if I needed them for my game quickly and efficiently.
Disposable Heroes features have been updated a number of time to suit the needs of users. Some features I listed above such as the ability to produce counters did not exist when I reviewed and earlier product.
Cyberpunk Set 2 (Gritty 203X) is a 30 figure set of paper miniatures. There are 28 paper miniatures on one page and a second page with the last two miniatures in the default format. The miniature set includes the following figures: Solos (3 versions), Tech, Media, Netrunner, Combat Master, Shifter, Divemaster, Mechajock, Panzergirl, Whaleboy, Trade, Idol (2 versions), Imaginator, Protector, Security Op, Scout (2 versions), Streetdealer, Warrior, City Fighter, Shaman, Wisewoman, Beastmaster (2 versions), Surfrider, Transporter and Dragoon. The art is really well done and highly detailed. One a couple of the miniatures (particularly heavy cybernetic ones) the detail might be a little too much making the image a little muddled at miniature size. This product closely mirrors the Cyberpunk Templates on p.57-72 of R. Talsorian Groups Cyberpunk v.3, except that it misses the Subjock template making this an excellent resource for representing those Cyberpunk archtypes on your tabletop.
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Highly detailed miniatures.
Covers a full range of archtypes.
Disposable Heroes service is really handy at meeting specific mini needs.
Good and fast customer support from PIG to questions.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Some of the miniatures seemed too detailed to me because of the size of paper miniatures.
I would have like the counters to only use partial images, as currently used it makes the image smaller yet.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>