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The Silver Flame of Eston $2.99
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The Silver Flame of Eston
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The Silver Flame of Eston
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Lionel D. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/13/2020 14:03:12

I was very excited to find a short adventure/dungeon based in Eston, as my group was headed there. I enjoy the story elements, even the ones I had to take out to fit my game, and the NPCs and locations laid some good seeds. I did not play the prequel adventure from the author, so I can't speak to how it relates to the author's other work.

Unfortunately, I found the PDF to be restrictive and to contain errors, and some parts of the adventure were confusing for my players (and for me as the GM). It was difficult to run compared to other published adventures I've run. Generally I want a module like this to be easy to run with minimal preparation, but I found running this adventure without lots of reading and preparation beforehand difficult and confusing.

  • The PDF prevents copying the text, forcing me to re-type descriptions constantly. Since I play online with a VTT, this was very frustrating.
  • The resolution of the maps is very low. I used it in my VTT software, but I wish I had redrawn them from scratch.
  • The maps lack default placements for enemies. It would be very helpful for visualizing encounters.
  • Some of the descriptions didn't seem to clearly match the map and confused players more than immersed them (for instance, description on pg. 11)
  • Handout 3 is referenced, but is not included.
  • The final creature lacked some needed attributes (HP and AC).
  • Some important logical details and logistical mechanics of the final area are not explained, such as how some creatures get from one area to another or avoid certain hazards.

Additionally, with 'Rising from the Last War' out, some of the Mournland and related creature mechanics could be updated to better match up with canon 5e Eberron. This is not a point against the module as it was published before RftLW was released, but an opportunity for an updated version.

A last note - the full adventure couldn't possibly be fully played in 4 hours. I don't mind that, as it is generous with content for $3 - but it isn't accurate. Even skipping half the content with my group, the module has taken multiple full sessions to play through. Admittedly, I think it would take less time with some improvements to the PDF.

I am giving 3 stars because the effort put into the module is considerable and still added fun to my table, despite the challenges. I would be eager to review a revised edition of this module, as I think the author created some fun encounters and interesting locations. I would be very happy to update my review if an updated version comes out.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Silver Flame of Eston
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Phillip B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/17/2020 14:44:19

It is a decent framework for the start of an adventure. However the map lacked a number key to location descriptions so I found the second half of the adventure so confusing that I had to make it all up as to how things flowed. Also the basis of the adventure was a hole into Khyber that was constantly defended by the Silver Flame, yet the vault of the Silver Flame was also in Khyber? That part really does not make any valid sense. So a decent framework for an adventure, expect that you will need to heavily modify it to actually get it to work for you.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Hey Phillip B, Thanks for the feedback. I was worried that maybe the numbers weren't showing up on the maps for some reason, so I downloaded a copy of the module from DM's Guild myself. The numbers are there and they do correspond to the keyed areas in the module. I'm not sure why you weren't able to see them. If anyone else runs into this problem, let me know. As for the vault... fair point. That's what John Lasseter would call a refrigerator moment. It's where people see a movie with a plot hole that they don't notice until they're at home, looking in the refrigerator for something to eat, and in a flash, they're like, "Hey..." Seriously, it never occurred to me until you said something. Oh well. :-)
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