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AE01-08 March of Madness by Andrew Bishkinskyi
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Oliver P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/20/2019 22:11:34


I ran this session two times, once at my home table and once online on a twitch streaming channel. Overall, I had a really great time with this adventure, and the players each expressed having a ton of fun. This adventure is a part of an overall series, so if you're looking for some campaign fodder, you could pick up the Across Eberron series. (Personally, I ran it as a one shot and just hand-waved the series connection for the players.)


  • this is a rare adventure to the Shadow Marshes, and the adventure is full of background info on Xoriat, the Gatekeepers, etc. It was really nice to get outside the typical Five Nations territory.
  • madness! There are some adjustments to the DMG madness rules, which fit thematically into the session. The boss throws a very high madness check at the start of the fight, which makes for an interesting encounter.
  • speaking of...the boss fight in this module is intense and it was a ton of fun for the players. There is a catch to the boss that allows the players to think outside the box in their fight, though we almost had a party wipe here.
  • interesting NPCs with great chances for role play, if that's your party's bent.
  • a solid, fairly small and self-contained dungeon, perfect for a 3-4 hour session.


  • there are a few fluff fights in here that can stretch the session out some. I enjoyed them, but I swapped some stuff around and dropped an enounter on the fly to keep the party moving.
  • the boss is brutal so you need to be preparred to logically not kill everyone. Given the conceit, you can have the boss get confused and take non-optimal choices under the guise of narrative. Just be warned if you are a "let the dice fall where they may" kind of DM or roll in the open.
  • the map is a little lacking for VTT, but it is functional. I remade it (more or less) using 2minutetabletop assets and it worked well.

I had a lot of fun with this session, and if I'm being honest, more fun than I imagined. I would strongly recommend picking this up, even if you just want a nice primer on Xoriat and the Gatekeepers with some tasty aberrent monster stat blocks. If your party is in need of some "fresh" air and needs an excuse to go dungeon diving, this is the perfect one-to-two session jaunt. Pick it up!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
AE01-08 March of Madness by Andrew Bishkinskyi
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The Korranberg Chronicle: Nightmare on the Mournland Express
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Oliver P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/20/2019 21:46:19

SPOILER REVIEW I just ran this adventure with a group on twitch streaming and it was a blast. My short impression is that if you are into Eberron or want to run a game on a lightning rail/train in your campaign, this is a pefect addition. (I ran it as a one-shot myself, and that worked really well all on its own as well.)


  • creative combat encounters that fit thematically - no filler or trash fights
  • a unique "lucid dreaming" mechanic that encourages creative solutions to their problems
  • exciting conciet - your players will face off against a Quori (a sort of dream demon) and learn more about their relationship to Eberron
  • lightning rail shennanigans: there are decoupling cars, a run away rail, climbing on the roof of the enginge, falling mechanics, and so on.
  • solid atmosphere and tons of background info, in case your players want to explore the rail and get into trouble before the adventure really gets going
  • a nice mournland red herring that fooled both parties Ive run this with so far


  • the map assets aren't VTT quality, so you either need to deal with some blurriness or find a train asset on your own. I recommend 2minutetabletop for VTT assets in general but there are tons of lightning rails assets out there and they will work with the set up.
  • I think the main boss needs some minions. I just had the quori animate the passenger bodies to be 1 HP 1d4 minions running around the final fight.

Overall, I would definitely recommend you pick this up. Even if you don't run it, the info on lightning rails and the Quori are well worth price. Pick it up!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Korranberg Chronicle: Nightmare on the Mournland Express
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Xeno Dead Zone
by Oliver P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2019 15:29:23

If you are at all interested in the Alien franchise, you must pick this supplement up.

The system is pretty simple, and keeping with the DIY philosophy of ICRPG, it is more a system for setting up a game than it is an exhaustive lore book of useless alien information. What you get: a system for running Xenos independently (think, no GM necessary), a simple process of "commando" creation, tables for mission objectives and mission escalations, pregen characters that serve as a kind of class system, complete with preestablished loot and milestones, a vehicle system (inlcuding a lift truck to really get some Aliens vibes going), and a stupidly huge amount of art assets, that, frankly, pay for themselves if you do any amount of VTT.

I will say a couple of things: I do recommend you get the ICRPG Core and Worlds to flesh this out some if you are looking at this as an RPG. You could absolutely use this to run an entire DIY Alien-themed campaign, but I think you'd have a better time of it if you had access to the sci-fi loot and other ICRPG goodness. I will also point out that this is definitely meant to be either a "runs itself" kind of board game or as a "DIY RPG" so don't come in here expecting an "on rails" experience. Personally, I prefer that, but if you're looking for a "do this, then do this" campaign module, this isn't it. You're getting a guidebook, ruleset, and system for creating a campaign or one-shot, which, in my opinion, is 100s of times better.

To sum it up, like i said in the begining, if you love Aliens, this is custom-made for you. The VTT items are worth cost on their own.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Xeno Dead Zone
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Icrpg Magic
by Oliver P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/17/2019 14:52:00

I'll keep it short and sweet. This is ICRPG at its best: a treasure trove of ideas to kick-start your DIY RPG shennanigans. This time Hank has laser focused on magic and has created a system that could genuinely support an all-mage party. Pretty much everything that is great about ICRPG is here.

  • Like the idea of milestones? This has a kind of "magic milestones" for mastery schools of magic.
  • Like the class building flexibilty? You can make a mage that focuses hard on one or two schools or magic or mix and match how you like.
  • Like all the stream-lined flavor without the massive, constricting lore dumps? There is tons of mage backgrounds, destinies, and kinds to give your mage a unique spin.

I love ICRPG, but I will be the first to point out that certain parts of it are too thin for my tastes. Magic was the main culprit. The system brought to life here more than satisfies my preference for mechanics and lore. I definitely recommend you give this a go if you are interested in magic or if you want some interesting and streamlined spell mechanics to inject into your gaming system of choice.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Icrpg Magic
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