Journey rules, a completed crafting ststem that doesn't require "ask your gm [to finish it]" as the cornerstone, exploration challenges your players will get to creatively leverage their abilities into solutions, interesrting diseases & maladies useful to me as a GM & so much more. Others have talked about those in detail so I want to cover a different area important to me as a GM for the rest of this review.
The biggest step up for both GM & players though is that the whole system is designed as a ciohesive whole rather than a bunch of isolated bolt on additions. Anyone who has run d&d5e(o5e) for a while has long since grown familiar with the laundry list of abilities that might as well read "yell skip at the gm when they start talking about this thing you autosucceed at" & similar. When you use this in combination with the A5e players guide all of those kinds of things are tuned to have their own costs to use & to be useful at helping with a problem rather than effectively skipping it.
With only a couple sessions under my belt running A5e I haven't yet reached a point where I can put my finger on specifics but between creatures themselves & variants along with templates I feel like there is a larger variety of monsters for me to work with as a GM without needing to scour the monster sections in a bunch of wotc's largely largely player facing books to find monsters close enough to my need that I can refluff. That saves mne a lot of time I can better spend preparing other parts of the game I expect to run.
As a gm this solves many of the complaints that I have with d&d5e (o5e) and really does a great job of rebuilding 5e to the point that it sets a very high bar for what wotc's anniversary edition needs to meet if it came out now rather than years from now.
So far I've run oa couple sessions od this & here are some of my big take aways in no particular order.
- Players of mine who play the same thing all the time quickly started looking at playing new things even when the old was still an option. "oh my god if I play x & y I can do this & that to ooooo I'm going to play $differentThing"
- Players are making plans for how their character will develop & trying to play their characters in ways that might mesh with those goals.
- Oh boy there are reasons for that & not just the old school" if your gm allows" type ones. Classes have choices that they can make as they level & as a gm I'm not concerned about any of them. I as a gm also have tools at my disposal like prestiege ratings possible followers & possible strongholds I could award or have player's actions impact even if they purchased them with gold.
- With all of o5e's automagic ""I just obliviate that problem automatically" like the outlander feature &the various spells that do the same I as a GM don't need to resort to fiat & mindless combat slogs to challenge the group
- exploration challenges & diseases are a very powerful tool for us GMs , there's a little in this about them from a player standpoint but the brunt of the gm facing stuff there is intrials & treasure. Unlike PHB+DMG the two very much work together to empower the GM in useful ways.
Very nice supplement that solves a few problems with 5e kicking absolute morality to the curb without overhauling alignment for relative morality. In the past I've tried telling players to ignore or just draw a line through alignment, but inevitably there is a subset of players who seem to have trouble operating without the minimal guidance it offers.
The alignments in this are nice little summaries of how that type of person might value/react to things/etc making for a nice improvement over the nearly meaningless or completely slapstick traits like "Most people scream and run when they see a demon. I stop and take notes on its anatomy." that play out literallytime & time again during a deadly or very deadly fight so many times it makes me twitch when a player does it at my table. It doesn't help that more often than not it seems to be done immediately after reading it off word for word. I'm looking forward to putting this into use the next game I run
Interesting fluff to items. I think that a lot if them where they heal X of a given type of damage but Y for other types is a bittoo awkward to track for players nless tied to a medicine check (which would be cool if they had a certain number of uses/charges based on medicine checks), but overall I think they are also great for things to put on the shelf at an magewright/herbalist shop or something for the npc to use on patients.
I picked up this book hoping to steal a couple critters for a filler game I'm going to be running in a few hours & was blown away. Not only is the artwork top notch, but it brings much needed mournland mechanics to 5e & has absolutely top notch monsters in it. I'd give it more than 5 stars if I could
I really love having the writeups on creatures not tied to FR since eberron & FR are so much in conflict. Can't recommend this enough.
It's great that more eberron content is being created & the across eberron series has been fun .
I grabbed this over thanksgiving not quite sure what to expect beyond looking forward to it but turned out to find that there was a lot of stuff in it that I really liked as a gm and a player. Inside was the expected interesting assprtment of magic items, but what I really liked were the day to day things like a blade of force kitchen knife & more. The writeup on thieves' tools in eberron & an alternate rules for them that was much more in line with how I've been using artificer tools. Plenty of other tools & musical instruments have bits in there as well
If I could give this more stars I would....
I spend the morning reading this and & as a huge fan of eberron I'm delighted with the archtypes in this. Not only does it do am amazing job of creating traditional divine classes (ie cleric/paladin/druid/ranger) that fit nicely within the norms of eberron, it also includes a good number of nontraditional ones like barbarian/fighter/wizard/sorcerer/warlock & the like that are incredibly interesting & wonderfully fitting from lore as well as mechanics standpoints.
a fun little train based adventure that turns out to be nothing like the participants expect going in once things go down. On top of that it imparts a healthy respect for the mournland, quori, & maybe a few others. Can't wait to surprise my players with it :D
Rather interesting collection of feats :D Most interestingly is that a good number of them allow you to really differentiate a multiclass from just a little of this & a little of that.
This was unexpectedly interesting in ways I did not anticipate & seems useful as both a gm and a player. I went in expoecting a sherlock holmes-esque inquisitive suppliment; while it's certainlly useful for such a concept, I did not expect the take on different types of legal experts with their own backgrounds and useful unexpected applications.
I was kind of hoping for some interesting stuff in this based on the description mentioning how most druid items wouldn't be much/any use to non-druid adventurers. Unfortunately most of them are either variations of the wand of the war mage, ring of protection, & bracers of defense but with a thin layer of druid fluff. A lot of what remains shows little understanding of druids & does things like grant wismod temp hp when wildshaping (fairly irelivant to land druids & pointless to moon who wil oftenl be burning spell slots to heal themselves orders of magnitude more than their wis mod). Some of those cast druid spells, but generally nothing super exciting or attached as an odd illfitting bolt on