I really appreciated the tactics summaries. For $0.99 I got a full session of intense combat out of it and nearly killed two players.
Also, it was easy to just place this in my homebrew campaign.
Creator Reply: |
Your comments warms the cockles of this old DM's heart! Thank you. |
Hey, for $0.99 I'm not going to complain about anything. The info is great to have at my fingertips when my cuckoo players want to buy a chicken or a sturdy lock.
As a cis male who lands in just about every privilaged and/or entitled demographic, I'm very glad this work is available and enjoyed it thoroughly. Thank you for your efforts and the education.
Haters can sit in their smaller worlds, cry, and die angry.
Look, the price is right, I do not in any way regret this purchase. However, I felt the shops had really thin inventories. I was hoping for more robust lists for each.
That said, I would've paid $5 for The Bird's Eye. Used it in my campaign and it was a wonderfully memorable bit of side business.
Given how clever that was, I'll be checking out other pieces from the author.
It's good, it's clear, it's free. Christ, what more do you want?!
The overly basic formatting was a bit distracting and the encounters were a tad thin for the ground covered.
But it has good bones! I hung a couple extra encounters into this and had a great time running it for a group of kids.
I modified a large chunk of the Doomvault and bashed it into my homebrew campaign.
This adventure guide was CRUCIAL to being able to run it effectively. I would've had to do room summaries like this by myself and that would've burned hours and hours of time.
Instead I spent one fucking dollar and BAM!... all the heavy lifting was done for me.
While the other reviewer made a fraction of a point that "Guide" is a slightly misleading title, there's a full sized preview to figure out what you're getting and it only costs, as mentioned, one fucking dollar!
It should be illegal to rate this offering less than 5 stars. Though if someone wanted to rate it 4 stars it should only be punished by a fine. Of one fucking dollar! (rating this 3 stars?!? How DARE they...)
It'd be an amazing deal at 10 times the price considering how much time it saved me.
Creator Reply: |
Wow, thank you Mario for the kind words! I read it to my spouse, and we were cracking up the entire time. I'm glad it worked out well for you; it was a life-saver for me. And yes, it's not a "Guide" persay, but it sure as hell guided me a lot through the whole dungeon! Rock on buddy! |
I folded this into a campaign that lasted a total of 3 years and some months. And this heist (played over four sessions) was one of the three most memorable sections of our play.
It inspired them to play in various ways to succeed: social play, stealth play, AND fomenting-a-riot-to-cover-their-tracks play. They had to stretch themselves and it fired them up. They spent more time thinking and strategizing between those four sessions than they did for the BBEG fight at the finale.
Great stuff!
Creator Reply: |
I'm glad you and your players had fun! |
A treat!
My one critique is that there's some "same-y-ness" in the entries. But as a DM who bristles at meta-gaming, these re-mixes are great fun by themselves or as inspiration for google-addicted players.
Just awesome. I cannot add anything new to the other glowing reviews, but will say I will buy every and any MM Expanded volume from this series. The ones in my library are already full of bookmarks, notes, and their inhabitants have graced years of my gameplay.
Creator Reply: |
Hi, Mario!
Dragonix here! Since you've enjoyed MME, I wanted to let you know that my latest bestiary, Dragonix's Deadly Denizens Volume II, is coming soon to Kickstarter!
This 300-page monstrous tome offers a terrifying array of characters, creatures, and cryptids designed to spark your imagination and invigorate your 5th Edition fantasy campaigns. It provides an abundance of new monsters, new art, and combat mechanics, guaranteed to astonish and challenge even the most experienced players, keeping them constantly on guard!
If you plan on getting the full volume, pledge within the first 72 hours and receive 2 free adventure modules: The Wrath of Nightshade and The Terrors Below! Don't miss out on this limited-time offer!
Head to the pre-launch page and follow to get yourself notified! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dragonix/dragonixs-deadly-denizens-ii
Thank you for your continued support! |
This book doesn't need my review, it's obviously made its mark, but I can't resist piling on the praise.
The availability of powered up and/or powered down versions of classic monsters is so damn helpful. I have the hardcovers and they stand proudly by all my WotC monster books.
Creator Reply: |
Dragonix here!
Since you've enjoyed MME, I wanted to let you know that my latest bestiary, Dragonix's Deadly Denizens Volume II, is coming soon to Kickstarter!
This 300-page monstrous tome offers a terrifying array of characters, creatures, and cryptids designed to spark your imagination and invigorate your 5th Edition fantasy campaigns. It provides an abundance of new monsters and combat mechanics, guaranteed to astonish and challenge even the most experienced players, keeping them constantly on guard!
If you plan on getting the full volume, pledge within the first 72 hours and receive 2 free adventure modules: The Wrath of Nightshade and The Terrors Below! Don't miss out on this limited-time offer!
Head to the pre-launch page and follow to get yourself notified! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/dragonix/dragonixs-deadly-denizens-ii
Thank you for your continued support! |
More please.
I was impressed by many of the puzzles and the variety of difficulty. Some of them would just ruin my current players while others were perfectly suited to their abilities. I will keep this guide close to add in some devious flourishes to my campaign.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the kind word! "More," you say? Volume II is well underway and will be available before the end of the year! Stay tuned!
Great stuff. I just finished it with my group of 5 level 6 players and they had a very fun time. There was a good mix of fights and explore/discover moments. And the final archmage battle was epic. My one critique is there are several empty rooms (or half-rooms since one side is collapsed in most of them). But I threw in minor encounters or things to find in a couple and no worries.
Good storyline, the creatures made sense with the environment and narrative thread, good hints and touches about what the place used to be and things that had happened within it (which makes it feel "lived in"), and I found the module easy to absorb and run.
Well done!
Would recommend.
My players didn't really explore in the first stage of the game (my fault, I didn't breadcrumb it enough) so I think they missed out on some fun encounters. But the rest of it was a delight. The pacing of the module was very good and the encounters were sutiably terrifying for the party.
The clues for the twist were also good. One player caught on early, a second came into the fold later on, and the others missed it but were wholly satisfied by it since the rest of the adventure led into it so well.
Great job.
For stats: We had four, 5th level characters and it took us 9 hours of play (would've been longer if they'd explored more at the start).
I folded this into an ongoing campaign with only a minor alteration (the general fought drow, not orcs). The pacing was fantastic. My players were on edge from the moment the evil doll showed up and could never guess if a room was going to be narrative or combat. Delicious!
They cleared the first floor completely before heading downstairs and nearly wretching at the gruesome puzzle. The only critique was that the evil doll worked too well. When they went upstairs I wanted to draw them away from the main fight room so they'd explore the rest of the house first. I had the doll appear in the hallway I wanted them to take and then glide into the far room, hoping they'd follow.
Nope. They were so terrified of the doll they immediately went the opposite direction (running into the doll anyway in the waiting room). Not to my plan but a boatload of fun.