I have loved both the Ravenloft and Eberron settings for years, and now finally have the excuse I need to bring together the peanut-butter and chocolate into one campaign I am beyond hyped for! I personally, am using the adventure within as a starting point for a Ravenloft campaign using the "Mabar is Ravenloft" cosmology, and using the city as the heroes' hub as they explore the lands beyond the mists.
You should buy this if you:
-Want another fleshed out domain of dread to add to your Ravenloft collection.
-Are running a Mournland focused campaign and want an alternative way to handle Metrol.
-want to run a campaign focusing on the darker parts of Eberron lore, and want a dark starting adventure.
You should not buy this if you:
-aren't interested in the tragedies' of war, totalitarian states, and body horror.
-are looking for a prewritten campaign, the adventure within is only 3 levels worth.
-expect more detail of the Mournland or Cyre as a whole, the focus is on Metrol.