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The Korranberg Chronicle: Nightmare on the Mournland Express
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Drakon V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/01/2023 09:12:46

Ran this adventure as two-shot interlude in a larger campaign, and I gotta say it was a great time. My players immediatly were tripping over themselves to help Joachim and his family; and due to existing nightmare theming, were confident the siturtion would be a nightmare before they even went to sleep lol. Instead of deliuvering dream latches for realising that, I instead rewarded them for uncovering pieces of the dream's nature; like realsing the Quori's lair was in the engine, or that the Butcher wasn't a real creature the way the qouri or Hob was. We also had some epic moments with the Kalashtar player, where her Qouri spirit kaiju battled the boss, and the party artifocer took to dream logic like a fish to water.

TL;DR Great as part of a bigger campaign; rewards creativity; easily moulded to fit your story 10/10

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Korranberg Chronicle: Nightmare on the Mournland Express
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Dread Metrol: Into the Mists - An Eberron / Ravenloft Crossover
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Drakon V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2021 11:55:46

I have loved both the Ravenloft and Eberron settings for years, and now finally have the excuse I need to bring together the peanut-butter and chocolate into one campaign I am beyond hyped for! I personally, am using the adventure within as a starting point for a Ravenloft campaign using the "Mabar is Ravenloft" cosmology, and using the city as the heroes' hub as they explore the lands beyond the mists.

You should buy this if you:

-Want another fleshed out domain of dread to add to your Ravenloft collection.

-Are running a Mournland focused campaign and want an alternative way to handle Metrol.

-want to run a campaign focusing on the darker parts of Eberron lore, and want a dark starting adventure.

You should not buy this if you:

-aren't interested in the tragedies' of war, totalitarian states, and body horror.

-are looking for a prewritten campaign, the adventure within is only 3 levels worth.

-expect more detail of the Mournland or Cyre as a whole, the focus is on Metrol.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Dread Metrol: Into the Mists - An Eberron / Ravenloft Crossover
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Thank you Drakon!
Epic Characters
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Theof N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/23/2017 03:50:00

The Epic Characters document does a fantastic job at providing a fun an meaningful way of progressing past Lv 20. Every class is treated well, with their core themes expanded on and improved, and my home players are excited to play their favourite classes at new heights. The creators of this document take their time to work with their customers, and are actively working to improve their creation, as well as continue to provide content for the epic tiers of play. My only critique is that the paladin and cleric capstones seem to narrowly focused. Not all paladins are divine champions, and not all clerics serve gods who have Solars as servants. Though I beleive the next version of this document will adress these issues.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Epic Characters
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