Ran this adventure as two-shot interlude in a larger campaign, and I gotta say it was a great time. My players immediatly were tripping over themselves to help Joachim and his family; and due to existing nightmare theming, were confident the siturtion would be a nightmare before they even went to sleep lol. Instead of deliuvering dream latches for realising that, I instead rewarded them for uncovering pieces of the dream's nature; like realsing the Quori's lair was in the engine, or that the Butcher wasn't a real creature the way the qouri or Hob was. We also had some epic moments with the Kalashtar player, where her Qouri spirit kaiju battled the boss, and the party artifocer took to dream logic like a fish to water.
TL;DR Great as part of a bigger campaign; rewards creativity; easily moulded to fit your story 10/10
This tight, smooth adventure keeps things moving quickly and has responses ready for lots of different PC actions. Skilled handling of potentially difficult nightmare elements makes it spooky, convincing, and believable.
This is a great change of pace from more common monsters and encounters. Most importantly this is not just an standard adventure with some Eberron-y elements pasted on. This is full-fledged Eberron at its core and it works. Looking for something different? Play this.
I'm running my homebrew story and my players were about to take their first train and I wanted to make the experience interesting.
This module is really well done, direct to the point and challenges the players in several ways besides combat.
I managed to integrate it in my own story easily and even though my players did throw some curve ball, it only made the encounter more entertaining for everybody.
I found the fighting part well balanced and it managed to drain the resources of my players at the right pace (I have a party of 4 level 6 characters), so when they got to the boss they were really on the edge and defeating the "boss" was a relief for them.
I do recommend this!
This game was fun to run and was the right level of creepy. My player's enjoyed it. I loved the dream tokens and the opportunity to push the players and make them feel danger without them being in actual at risk of PC death.
I only have small bits of feedback is to maybe it os quite text heavy and could do with some trimming down if there is ever an update e.g streamlined roof managers on the carriage, the read about text can be quiet lengthy and sometimes unclear.
However in no way does this take away from it being a really great adventure that I would reccomend to anyone lookong for a fun train based adventure.
We just finished this as a drop in to my ongoing Eberron campaign. The players had a good time and were creeped out by the imagry. We did it in about 6 hours, a perfect side adventure that can have some lasting mental impact on the PCs to bring back later. Well done!
My PCs are now afraid of trains.
I had a hard time convincing the players their characters should sleep so you can just have them lose track of time before randomly noticing it looks weird outside.
If you are looking for an adventure on the lightning rail (or even just a train in general, outside of Eberron), look no further - this one's perfect for it. Even if you aren't looking to run this specific adventure, a large part of the PDF contains information on potential carriages and mechanics for navigating the Lightning Rail (including stuff like falling off and so on) which is easily adaptable to any other type of adventure you might want to run in the future.
Now, if you ARE a fan of Eberron.... this adventure is great, well-researched, and the creator has taken great pains to not only keep everything within canon while managing to tell a new and exciting story. Your players will really be itching for more Dal Quor content after this, and it's a great way to seed future Dreaming Dark adventures.
Overall, given the introductory section of this adventure, you're getting almost 2-3 adventures in one here - really great deal.
I just ran this adventure with a group on twitch streaming and it was a blast. My short impression is that if you are into Eberron or want to run a game on a lightning rail/train in your campaign, this is a pefect addition. (I ran it as a one-shot myself, and that worked really well all on its own as well.)
- creative combat encounters that fit thematically - no filler or trash fights
- a unique "lucid dreaming" mechanic that encourages creative solutions to their problems
- exciting conciet - your players will face off against a Quori (a sort of dream demon) and learn more about their relationship to Eberron
- lightning rail shennanigans: there are decoupling cars, a run away rail, climbing on the roof of the enginge, falling mechanics, and so on.
- solid atmosphere and tons of background info, in case your players want to explore the rail and get into trouble before the adventure really gets going
- a nice mournland red herring that fooled both parties Ive run this with so far
- the map assets aren't VTT quality, so you either need to deal with some blurriness or find a train asset on your own. I recommend 2minutetabletop for VTT assets in general but there are tons of lightning rails assets out there and they will work with the set up.
- I think the main boss needs some minions. I just had the quori animate the passenger bodies to be 1 HP 1d4 minions running around the final fight.
Overall, I would definitely recommend you pick this up. Even if you don't run it, the info on lightning rails and the Quori are well worth price. Pick it up!
Fantastic module! The layout of the adventure itself was clean and easy to read. My players had a great time playing and I had a great time DM. The ability to revive players will make this a go to when I run one shots for new players. The dream tokens were a great idea and was used effectivly.
This was well worth the purchase.
Would recommend.
My players didn't really explore in the first stage of the game (my fault, I didn't breadcrumb it enough) so I think they missed out on some fun encounters. But the rest of it was a delight. The pacing of the module was very good and the encounters were sutiably terrifying for the party.
The clues for the twist were also good. One player caught on early, a second came into the fold later on, and the others missed it but were wholly satisfied by it since the rest of the adventure led into it so well.
Great job.
For stats: We had four, 5th level characters and it took us 9 hours of play (would've been longer if they'd explored more at the start).
It took me a long time to actually run this adventure after purchasing. I have to say, I'm glad I kept it in mind.
My players and I enjoyed the adventure. It was a fun session, with both roleplay and combat. Additionally, there was a lot of material that didn't get used, as it the set up includes infomration on a number of passengers on the train and instructions on how to run a heist as well. My players were very well behaved. This gives me a future second possible adventure from the materials purchased for just one.
The adventure itself is very intriguing and looks to be very fun, but the maps included are frustrating to use. The image sizes are physically very small, and any scaling makes them look very fuzzy. The squares on some of the maps are different sizes within the same map, so it won't align perfectly to a grid used by roll20. Would prefer a gridless version to be released in order to not worry about different square sizes on the same map.
Creator Reply: |
Hi Christina!
Thank you for the review! I'm glad you enjoyed the adventure. The maps for the lightning rail are unfortunately stock art, for the most part, from the Eberron map pack. I didn't have much of an art budget when writing this adventure (and what little I did had went to the Nightmare Engine map for the climax). But you are correct, the lightning rail maps are lacking in resolution and quality. Perhaps I will think about investing in additional custom maps for the NotME. |
a fun little train based adventure that turns out to be nothing like the participants expect going in once things go down. On top of that it imparts a healthy respect for the mournland, quori, & maybe a few others. Can't wait to surprise my players with it :D
Can't wait to run it. The classic ghost train story meets Fantasy in a way that only Eberron can do. And it totally doesnt feel out of place as its baked into the lore of the setting. The descriptions are well fleshed out and the nightmare token system is intriguing. definintely worth buying