With no indication of how well thought out this file was I was super disappointed that I paid $12 for only 14 pages of charts with effects such as "leaves fall", "a bird poops on the mage", or "Burn of one die of aggravated damage and reroll" the last of which appears many, many times.
Many of the effects are underwhelming and not scaled to their severity IE; a "Minor flaw" of a Mage walking upside down vs a "Severe flaw" of the mages XP becoming candy that must be eaten to regain the xp........
This book would have an appropriate value if it was closer to $3 or $4. The effects are random, unorganized, filled with type-o's, and over-all feels lazy.
This was a great idea, but I feel that it should have been crowdsourced and had more input to provide more options of actual clever flaws........
Edit: Thank you for putting the price point near a more realistic point to reflect the shape of the product, please post an actual preview page of content when you host a book like this......it makes me seriously question the quality and value of ALL of your other projects.