This module is a very nice one, with creativity, and a lot of work going into creating an adventure that both has enough detail to entertain and also leaves space for Dungeon Masters to expand, reflavor, and alter it in order to make it their own. The premise is a classic one, with twists that make it entertaining, curious, and something to enjoy. The lore is intriguing, leading to ideas which could easily support sequels and spin offs, either by the authors or buy the DMs who run it.
Various NPCs, including Lolth, make for roleplay interactions allowing this to be a nearly combat-free adventure, heavy in roleplay, or one with the potential for lots of battle. Including against the Spider-Queen herself!
Either way, assuming the party survives, it leaves plenty of possible future ideas for more interactions.
My one negative thought was that Lolth was a touch too weak for a goddess, but I place little weight to this downside, as how do you stat a god? And of course, DMs can increase the difficulty of the encounters with ease.
I am definitely looking forward to playing this sometime, both as a player and as a DM.button above