This is 91 (shortened 3/4) pages with lots of illustrations.
But this, in this case, is not a bad thing.
The rules give a base Pilot character class and a Commander class.
It also made this class in an interesting way by allowing the Mech to develop as the player enhances in level (sort of like a Fighter who gets bigger and better armor as he gains levels).
The mech is developed using up "Mecha Points".
Now this may not suit something like Macross, where the pilot starts assigned with a Veritech Fighter and its variants, the Mech in this SRD develops or gets enhanced when the player reaches every 4th level (giving an extra boost in "Mecha Points" each time).
Interesting to see that the Mech's could become VERY individualistic to the players specs.
Will it overpower or unbalance? I have yet to see if this is the case.
GM's can use a lot from these rules as it comes with a Step by step checklist in making the Mecha.
Ronin Arts really does a nice formatting job of this PDF!
I'm going to have a really fun time adapting these rules to my DW2 Campaign, as there are some terrific ideas to adapt these rules to a D20-Fantasy or any D20-Sci-Fi.
I have to say, a lot of these other freelance companies could learn a lot about creating a great formatted PDF (It's so well done!) from Ronin Arts, Bravo!