This product was really well-written, and the station is well thought-out. I really liked the two different descriptions, one for an operable station, one for a derelict station. However, I am a very visual person, and that's where this product doesn't meet my needs. Layout-wise this is very well done. It looks very professional, and is easy to read. But there's only one image. There are no maps or diagrams. I realize that for an inexpensive product like this that there may not be a budget, but some images would have helped a great deal.
EDIT: However, on a more careful read, I've discovered that the description are good enough that you almost don't need a map. Teh only description that I found lakcing was of the staff hab module. There is no reference to size or number of rooms, though this could be extrapolated.
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Very well-written, very descriptive writing.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Only one illustration. Should have at least had layouts of the habitation modules and the Vicar's.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>