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Encounters in Sharn $6.95
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Encounters in Sharn
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Encounters in Sharn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/30/2021 01:39:12

Originally written before the release of Eberron: Rising from the Last War, this handsome supplement provides twelve encounters for use in the City of Towers. These are encounters in the 4E sense of the word, small episodes of about two pages each, which provide enough excitement for a short session of a couple hours each. So while you may purchase this thinking it will be alike to the excellent Waterdeep: City Encounters supplement, it's not a set of random encounters but rather a set of short episodes to be dropped into your campaign or inspire your storytelling. That said, it is still an excellently written and fun collection. These aren't DDAL legal, but they are nonetheless written in that style, but if you dislike things like adjustments based on APL and "playing the pillars" advice, it's easy to ignore them.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters in Sharn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by M.A. R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/14/2021 19:44:08

It's an OK set of short one-shots for Eberron. I used it in tandem with the "Embers of the Last War" content, and it helped fill in some of the gaps - especially for the combat-heavy characters who don't have much to do in that storyline, which is filled with heist missions.

I wish I could have run more of these, but the party didn't always have spare time available at the level requirements these short scenes require. Would have loved to have seen some of these encounters include stats for multiple levels - the ones that weren't for combat, for example, could have probably included tips on scaling them for players 2, 4, 6 levels higher.

The art is decent, but the maps are just average. The scenarios are, on the whole, fairly interesting. I actually used Talda Relka from one of these as a recurring character from "Embers of the Last War" - Relka makes a much better "mission-giver" than the Medani character they included. These days, $7 doesn't buy a whole lot - but in this case, you get a decent amount of content for it. I think it's worth it.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters in Sharn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Kurtis F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/21/2020 17:59:25

I've ran 5 of these encounters at my table and they all led to some very fun and memorable moments. I was able to fit them into my campaign with minimal tweaking and definitely recommend the collection to anybody playing in Sharn

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters in Sharn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tim L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/22/2018 05:52:16

Just picked it up on sale for Black Friday, then our DM cancelled at the last minute and I had to run a few of these on 0 prep off the pdf on my phone (which is not an ideal situation, as you can imagine). Despite the circumstances of having to pull this out on the fly, it went really well. These are solid adventures and the group had a lot of fun, and wants to incorporate the rest of them into the ELW sessions moving forward.

Specifically, The Callestan Clash started off well, but could have used more options besides fight/armwrestle (basically same thing: for Str fighters in group) and Liars (cha based skill check). Maybe add a drinking contest (Con checks) or Archery/target shooting (Dex based)?

As for the Double-Cross, it was a great RP hook, but once they realized what was going on I thought they'd be TPKed against a CR5 Master Thief if she connected with the 4d6 sneak attack vs a Lv1 character, but sadly fighting solo makes getting advantage on an attack rather difficult. They fought really well and pulled out a win vs a much too strong foe.

One issue: why are the encounters out of order? They're not in alphabetical order (King of Heap needs to be before Possession), which shouldn't be the way to organize it anyways. They are also not organized by APL either, which would be the better way to do it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters in Sharn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Makis K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/21/2018 04:37:12

Really nice work but the price is very expensive. 3.00 euro would be fine. But 7.00? compare to other products that you can buy in dm's guild this is one is overpriced.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters in Sharn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by A. G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/26/2018 14:54:40

I was hoping for some longer adventures, but for what it is (i.e. "encounters" moreso than adventures) it's actually quite good. The three-parter is barely one adventure though, and it would've been better I think to see two or three adventures of that length for each tier rather than a series of super brief encounters, but again for what the product is claiming to be the encounters are good hooks to sprinkle in...but even still it'd be nice if there was a lot more of them if they're going to do a book of encounters? So it's hard to give this a 4/5 even tho the quality is probably around there just because either this needed several more encounters to feel worth the price or, what would have been better IMHO, should've been a book focused more on adventures than encounters to pair with the Wayfarer's Guide. Hopefully there's one like that on the way!

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Encounters in Sharn
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by STEVEN R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/25/2018 14:59:15

First off, these are meant to be played, not read. I get it, really. It always seems off that reviews are in for a product that just came out, in this case pretty much 24 hours ago!

These encounters are short with the exception of a 3 part sequence, which could easily take a full session or longer.

The 12 have a good mix of combat and RP episodes, and there are a few keepers here for sure. A few really jumped out at me and I'll be using them to kick off my Eberron campaign.

The Callestan Clash is a great little insert, ideal for groups that are into RP. It's very different than your usual dungeon bash fare, and could set the PCs up with allies or enemies later depending on how it turns out.

Double Immiscibility is a real gem, and has an flavorful combat in an unusual location and even RP potential leading up to the big fight.

The Fallen Mad is the 3 parter, and and should satisfy combat loving players. For only 7 pages total, it seemed odd and a waste of space to recap parts 1 & 2 in the intros of 2 and 3. Additional content would have been preferable!

Not bad value for the money, and at the very least will give you plenty of ideas to kickstart your game.

I trust longer adventures are coming soon!

[3 of 5 Stars!]
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