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Alien Ass, Hydrogen Gas, or Cosmic Grass... No One Warps For Free
Publisher: Kortthalis Publishing
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/27/2018 20:09:33

Alpha Blue has already established itself in how it runs and rules galore, in it's rule lite fashion. At this point it's about how crazycan you get and what gonzo things have happened you wonder you could turn into a table for randomness. The color layout inside this book is a change for the usual and it looks fantastic. Reading gets your imagination flowing and brings you into a world of possibilities not in the book racing through the readers head. But this book also sends you off with a handful of hooks to run single sessions in thie world or link them together in some crazy campaign across the galaxies. That's the flexability of Alpha Blue. Star Ports, Space Stations, Ship travel, Casino Heist, or just a party gone wrong in the Blue Light District. Any setting works because Venger has touched on all over them across his AB line. This is a strong possible closure to the series. William L.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Alien Ass, Hydrogen Gas, or Cosmic Grass... No One Warps For Free
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