If you are looking for some mysterious secrets of writing role play adventures book, this might not be for you. This is a walk through of the obvious. As you go through and read it, for the most part you will be saying, "ok, yeah, I knew that... ok, that makes sense..." But that doesnt make the book less valuable. Sometimes between the giants, and the super star mutilators and the brain eating Gugermongers its really easy to get lost in your ideas and the next thing you know you either arn't putting anything out, or the stuff you are putting kind of sucks. Sometimes you need Captain Obvious to say "Hey, remember ice is cold...". Thats what this book does. You can see from the first couple of pages that are previewed, Venger talks aout things like his three month formula... month one, jot down notes and ideas, month two, get a draft together and month three, polish it up. That's not NASA... but its damn good common sense. He talks about things you might not know about, he offeres suggestions on where to invest time and creativity, where to put details, where to leave details out. And its all coming from a guy who has been around the block a few times, an actual guy who writes adventures like a fucking boss....
I plan on writing my own game books. I am using Adventure Writing Line A Fucking Boss II to help keep me grounded and motivatied. At 18 pages I can leaf through and reread the whole thing in about an hour. That should be good enough to keep me focused or bring me back on task. I'd higly recommend this book to anyone writing anything.