So if you're looking for some erotic fiction or pictures of naked bodies, you won't find it here.
If you are looking for something that explains how these businesses function, how they differ from race to race, how the quality and finances will affect what players might find in a brothel, how other factions like temples and guilds will react to nearby brothels, and how a few Farûnian gods react to brothels, then this IS the book for you.
You'll find a new background (Prostitute) which has a really neat narrative mechanic, being a rumor monger.
Thankfully, more than a few pages for DMs on how to include brothels, from plot hooks to downtime activities.
New diseases, items, and spells provide lots of flavor without breaking the game. All of them are in line with the existing ones found in the DMG/Players Handbook.
Most importantly, the work is respectful to those sex workers who play. There's nothing derogatory, with a glossary for those terms someone might not be familiar with, and an overall sex positive message.