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Lost Tales of Myth Drannor $14.99
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Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
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Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Matthew P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/06/2024 19:16:33

Great value for your money. Myth Drannor is a favorite region of mine so any chance I get to run things there I'm all over it. Each adventure having It's own DDAL code lends some flexibility to running this peiecemeal on off weeks when the regular DM doesnt show and players are sitting around waiting. Nobody's complaining about Cloaks of Protection for an hour and a half of work at Tier 1. The encounters are balanced (ymmv) and the magic items are well worth the player's time. This bundle is a MUST BUY, especially to keep in your bag as a backup.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Scott C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/15/2024 06:08:40

DDAL00-02d Echos of the Weeping War.

I found this one a little tricky to DM. The maps included are crude and I had to take the time to generate my own. But the publishing date of 2017 makes this forgivable. I used 'Dungeon Alchemist' to generate colour maps on a grid that fit the adventure to port into DnD Beyond. The adventure is fun, the first encounter with a Hydra perhaps could have been different to make it more inline with the finale. The finale I found lacked detail in the tactical details. Demons appear from ... somewhere, but there are multiple avenues on the map and their point of origin wasn't determined. I winged it and alas killed 2/3 players. It's a great idea seed, just a little missing in the execution.

DDAL00-02C - Spawn of the Maimed Virulence.

My only complaint about this adventure is the maps that are included are crude.Narratively, this adventure was fun and there are enough narrative forks that you could replay it several times as a DM and DM entirely different adventures depending on how the players behave. There's plenty of supporting variations for encounters in the event of a weak / strong party that a DM is well supported. Plus: Dragons.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Gustavo R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/10/2023 11:35:54

Have run the episodes in this adventures in separate sessions for D&D AL, and they were always well received by the players. I absolutely love the lore and overarching plot that weave the episodes together, as well as the diversity of creatures used during the ecounters! My only gripe would be that stat blocks were not provided for said creatures (only a couple of specific NPCs), which made pre-game preparation much more time-consuming for every episode. Ditto for the maps!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Ben R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/28/2023 18:04:58

A collection of mini-adventures set in and around Hillsfar and Myth Drannor, if you're a fan of the early seasons of DDAL or the Heartlands of Faerûn, this is for you! With rules for wild magic in Myth Drannor's ruins following the titanic events of The Herald, updates on the state of the high elven community in the forest of Cormanthor, and a statblock for a baelnorn, this is the book for long times Realms fans. The POD copy is very nice to have as well. The production isn't up to the standards of a professional WotC hardcover, but it's still a handsome book filled with lots of fun.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Sean H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/08/2020 08:04:16

This was a really enjoyable set of adventures. I DMed it for my players with a very Tolkienesque style. I think these adventures have an excellent atmosphere that is different from the typical AL offerings. The collation of these adventures within a professional-looking book is great. Highly recommended!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Christopher N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/16/2019 18:23:18

The modules of the set I've DM'd:

  • The Darkwood Webs (DDAL00-02a) - This has become one of my go to modules for T1, though trailing Weirding Vats. Flexible and short with a small amount of RP.
  • The Weirding Vats (DDAL00-02b) - There's a nice amount of RP in the beginnings, some room for investigation, then encounters that have the potential to be challenging for a party.
  • Spawn of the Maimed irulence (DDAL00-02c) - A favorite T2 for the two forks of potential interaction. Can be a little hard to understand on the first readthrough.
  • Echos of the Weeping War (DDAL00-02d) - Not my favorite, feels like hurry up and wait.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Joseph K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/15/2019 14:01:44

Therse are several good mainstream adventures, set in the Hillsfar area and linked into an overall story. They can be tough to run in their 2 hour recommended time, but they're worth the extra time. So far, I've run:

DDAL00-02a The Darkwood Webs - a very good starter adventure rated for APL 3. Your players answer a call for help in the forest of Cormanthor, have a series of encounters on the way, then fight a fun boss battle to save some of the forest fey. I think this would be tough for first level characters even with the strength adjustment, but if you have the sprites fight alongside the players, it might work.

DDAL00-02b The Weirding Vats - Loosely connected to the previous adventure, the party learns of and tracks down a lost laboratory and the mutated goblins it is producing. A very fun forest crawl followed by a challenging battle.

DDAL00-02c Spawn of the Maimed Virulence. For a two hour, I like this a lot, because the setting (young green dragons scheming and running amok through wood elven territory) is very fun. Strongly recommended

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by John M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/24/2018 10:15:04

Some decent little adventures. There is not enough to link them together -- so these are going to be one-offs in your campaign. They're good, not amazing -- on the high end of standard Adventurers League content. In general I don't find these compelling as one-shots, but rather as opportunities for side quests.

A few comments on them:

The Darkwood Webs is a nice DND intro adventure but would probably not entertain experienced players for long. However it's so short that it's a nice "easter egg" for a hex crawl or longer campaign.

The Weirding Vats is a full adventure with a lot of plot hooks. Very easy to transport and a good (and marginally unique) adventure for Tier 1 players.

Spawn... is actually pretty non-linear and a bit odd to grok for the DM. Running it may make more sense. However, it uses dragons far more casually than I care to. Very different, not sure that's a good thing.

Forgotten Foes is a mini dungeon crawl. Good for an evening or to include as part of a larger dungeon.

In general, AL content is not my favorite. As a matter of taste, I prefer a slightly lower fantasy than AL provides.

That being said, there are some solid little side adventures in here. A lot of this is good stuff to seed for a hex crawl, as rumors, and as side distractions to your main story. But don't expect it to carry a campaign.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Keegan D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/28/2018 08:33:55

The most telling thing I can say about Lost Tales of Myth Drannor is that I set my print on demand copy right next to my hardcovers. It is indiciative of the incredible Moonsea-Era of the Adventurers League and i have loved running this culmination of that legacy. My players had a blast too :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Kyle M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/31/2018 22:04:35

DISCLOSURE: I received a free hard copy of the book from one of the authors at a convention. I have since purchased the soft copy as well, though.

I have run or played all but the final (tier 4) adventure in this book, and enjoyed all of them. These adventures dig into the older Forgotten Realms lore but tie it to some of the recent events in the Moonsea. It's been fun running these for my AL groups.

In particular, I like how some monsters are reskinned in flavorful ways. The emphasis on elves also gives the whole thing a theme that will appeal to a lot of players. However, the maps are very low quality and feel like they were drawn in about 5 minutes each. If you're using a virtual tabletop like Roll20 or similar, you'll probably need to create them from scratch.

If you're playing AL -- especially if you've played through the Season 3 DDEX storyline -- then this is a great addition to your shelf.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor
Publisher: D&D Adventurers League
by Robert N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/22/2018 21:11:10

Let me start out by saying that I love this overall product and would count most of these adventures to my favorites. As follows, I'll give a short review to each of the adventures contained in Lost Tales:

The Darkwood Webs, tier 1; DDAL00-02a: As the first adventure, this one gives a decent introduction to the Forest of Cormanthor and the creatures living inside of it. The actual plot is pretty straight forward and consists mostly of a travel passage that has opportunity for roleplay, exploration and combat, leading into a fights which includes saving some people in distress. There's nothing all that special about this adventure but I never felt like it was lacking. What it does, it does good enough and I would consider this specific adventure to be a very good intro to D&D5e in general. 4/5

The Weirding Vats, tier 1; DDAL00-02b: This is one of those adventures which uses a bunch of optional the encounters to start with which the DM can pick and choose from as desired. I really enjoy this design in general as it allows for more replayability for both players and DMs. The final fight is very interesting in that is a Tier 1 adventure where the boss has 3rd level spell slots as well as lair actions. I was afraid it might prove to hard at first but it turned out to be exactly right when it comes to balance. The unique enemy types and creature modifications were also pretty interesting for both flavour and gameplay. 5/5

Spawn of the Maimed Virulence, tier 2; DDAL00-02c: Starts out with a typical premise of adventurers moving out slay some dragons. It does allow for that kind of play but also offers opportunity to go about it more diplomatically. Also offers a bunch of different ways of how to approach the scenarios, basically being multi-linear and less railroady than a lot of other AL mods. Greatly enjoyed the classical dragon fight as well as the opportunity to ally with one of them. 5/5

Echos of the Weeping War, tier 2; DDAL00-02d: This adventure also includes some encounter choice for the travel portion but whenever I ran this adventure the players would go for the same one as it's the most obvious (the ship one). Especially the air route is very unconvential and I doubt gets used much because of that. Probably requires some more help from the DM side to make the other options more appealing. The final encounter has one of those "never-ending" combats where the fight just goes on endlessly unless the group decides to leave (with some win conditions attached obviously). I've never really been a huge fan of encounters like this and will probably rework it for my future runs of it. It's also kind of a bummer that the adventure hook with the rumour about the legendary elven artifact turned out to be just that: a groundless rumour. This adventure does provide opportunity for some MTF monster addtions though and is very rich in flavour. 3.5/5

Forgotten Foes, tier 3; DDAL00-02e: Pretty straight forward this one. Has a very interesting background and sets up the T4 adventure well. Adventure itself is pretty much just a small dungeon crawl but does have some neat traps. The tome one is a highlight by itself and proved for some humorous situations. The dungeon does fall into the pitfall of not accounting for flying characters though for some of the later traps. The bossfight was alright but I would have loved some more interaction with the villian before the actual fight breaks out. Gets a bump in score just because it has one of my favourite uses of wild magic in a mod yet. 4/5

The Definition of Heroism, tier 4; DDAL00-02f: Starts out very similar to the T3 adventure and also includes a dungeon crawl (kinda). Dungeon itself is not really all that interesting and the pulled thread mechanics do get old fast, though I guess they do a fine job of having players expend ressources without fighty bits. Final combat itself is fine and all but might be a bit weak for T4. This adventure is very rich in flavour and lore which is always something I enjoy to see in AL mods. Also has a bunch of fun story awards. 4/5

Overall I really enjoyed how flavourful the rewards and creature modifications were handled for the adventures and will totally run most of these adventures multiple times before they get repetitive.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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