okay not going to beat around the bush with this review. This was made in the late 80's based on a comic by the same name. It was a popular comic for furry fans and when this came out it was around AD&D release date. this style of rpg was still building. I can't say infancy, but deffently terrible twos. They were moving from war games to theater of the mind. That means like earlier AD&D it is chart heavy. look at everything with charts. This is were the math nerd stereo type if the fandom comes from. want to do something look at the chart and subtract the opposite value and learn what part of the chart to use. Want to do damage subtract bullet penetration and his armor. then roll on the correct chart. If you grew up with this style game then great you know what to do and this will be a good blast from the past. If your new to rpg and want to read how older ones were like it is a fun few dollar read. If you just like the world of the comic the makers of Ironclaw another furry RPG might be better for you to jump in. That is not saying this is unplayable it is just a bit of a time sink to find all the charts and run all the numbers.
The art is mostly from the comic and is good for and 80's printing. Nothing to write home about but usable. Only thing I didn't like and this will not be a problem with 99.99999% of you is I am visually impaired and I also have an ld in reading. I love getting pdfs of rpgs so I can have my phone read it and I read along with it. Only problem is this rpg is only recognized as an image, so the reader didn't work. Most people will not find this a problem, but it was a pain for me.