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Pulp Miniatures - World of Men - Vangard Platoon
Publisher: Forever People Digital Press
by Hans P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/04/2007 14:31:15

After downloading I printed out a sheet and assembled one of the models. It was very easy. The main challange was making sure the cuts were done correctly (I was using a farily large scissors).

After cutting the model out, I follwed the instructions step by step. I was slightly confused by the instructions for folding the shoulder sections, although I managed by fiddling around.

If I was to make a suggestion in the future it would be to add some 3-D ness to the weapon(s), so to make them stand out when viewing from the side (the sword is mostly flat and so is hard to see from the right side).

To improvise and solve this, I added a fold along the middle of the sword-blade, folding each edge slightly back. This makes the sword pop-out more, and makes it visible from the side.

One other suggestion for other users, the base would hold a coin easily, which might help with the breeze issue that sometimes interferes with using paper stand ups.

Over all the model looks pretty good for what it is. It stands out betterfrom a distance than a flat 2D paper mini.

Glad to see these steps forward in paper models!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Pulp Miniatures - World of Men - Vangard Platoon
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for your review The coin idea is really great. We'll definitely make a note of that and include it in the next Pulp Miniatures release. Enjoy
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