This book made me want to start playing after just a few minutes of reading. There is some good material in this. Granted, what each reader will get from any given product, and the value of the content, is subjective for each individual reader. It is hard for a reviewer to let a reader know if the reader would get something of value from the product as what we take from a book is subjective.
I like the Edges, Skills, and Hindrances. I like to mix and match as needed between Savage Sources and these will make some good additions to my Savage campaigns.
I also like the guns and equipment. There is a bit of "gun and gear porn" in this book, which is something that Savage Worlds tends delegate to a setting book. It is hard to come up with decent game stats for things that exist in the real world because there are many factors involved, which only matter if the game system accounts for it.
Overall I think that this book handled characters and gear rather well. Those were my main focus for the product as a reader: what can my character do, and what can I do it with?
Most of the book is, understandably, allocated towards giving us some good information so that people can game in a modern spec ops campaign. There is enough to run some missions and let us blow up some bad guys. I usually prefer other genres (anything but modern) but I am thinking that I will play these missions and the missions from the mission packs. I have also noticed that the publisher is fast with comments and takes this product seriously.